Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ceangailte /kʲɛ̃.əldʲə/
bua. neo-ath.
1 connected, joined, linked 2 tied, bound, bonded 3 allied 4 united
ceangail /kʲɛ̃.al/
gn. ag. ceangal
1 connect, join, link! 2 tie, bind! 3 belay! 4 ally! 5 unite! 6 bind! (in rugby)
ceangailte ris a leisg
incurably lazy
an t-arm ceangailte
the regular army (as opposed to militias etc)
an té a tha ceangailte ri Calum Listen
Calum's other/better half
bha do cheithir caoil ceangailte Listen
you were bound hand and foot
ceangailte mun cuairt a' bheòil aige
fixed around its rim
chailleadh tu do chluasan mura biodh iad ceangailte riut
you would lose your ears if they weren't attached to you
cho ceangailte is a tha bàirneach ris an leac
sticks like shit to a blanket, stick like a limpet (fig.)
tha a chuid fhéin ceangailte ri gach neach
each to their own
tha iad ceangailte ann an co-shìneadh
they are connected in parallel (in electronics)
ceangailte ri inneacs
taigheadas ceangailte
tied housing
Bile nan Taighean-seinnse Ceangailte
Tied Pubs Bill
sgrìobhadh ceangailte
cursive/connected writing
ceangailte fon lagh
legally bound, bound by law
Achd Réile Àrd-ruigh agus Bathgate agus Leasachaidhean Ceangailte
Airdrie-Bathgate Railway and Linked Improvements Act
Achd Réile Shruighlea, Allamhagh is Chinn Chàrdain agus Leasachadh Ceangailte
Stirling-Alloa-Kincardine Railway and Linked Improvements Act
àite-còmhnaidh ceangailte
tied accommodation
tha a lochd fhéin ceangailte ri gach neach
we all have our hang-ups/own faults
Toraidhean Dwelly
a & pt pt of ceangail. Bound, confined, restrained, tied, fastened. 2** Obliged, còrr
buill, sm Member, limb. 2 Member of a society. 3 Male instrument of generation, {penis}. 4 còrr
-aise, -an, sf Ear. 2 Handle of a dish, cycle and most things that may have two handles. 3 còrr