Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ceum /kʲeːm/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 step, footstep, pace 2 tread 3 path 4 degree (in education) 5 degree (temperature) 6 measure |
ceum /kʲeːm/ gn. ag. -adh
1 step, pace! 2 measure in steps! 3 move step by step! |
ceum-monaidh fir. gin. -a-mhonaidh, iol. -an-monaidh
ceum air cheum 1 step by step, incremental(ly), in/by increments 2 turn-based |
bha ceum na mòintich aice she had a slow and steady gait with long strides (fig.) |
cois-cheum fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
cais-ceum fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
ceum-coilich fir. gin. -a-choilich, iol. -an-coilich
ceum-coise fir. gin. -a-choise, iol. -an-coise
thoir ceum leatha exaggerate! (fig.) |
ceum-adhairt fir. iol. -an-adhairt
léideag is ceum is leum hop, skip and jump |
ceum-uisge fir. iol. -an-uisge
1 step (of a waterfall) 2 lock (of a canal) |
dannsa-ceum fir. iol. -ichean-ceum
1 step dance 2 (act of) step dancing |
bha ceum bà air a h-eòlas aig Calum Calum was walking like he knew the area well/knew where he was going |
ceum leum stepping stones |
tha ceum crùbaicheid aice she has a limp |
cha mhór gu bheil ceum aca they can barely walk |
tha ceum-coilich a' tighinn anns an latha the days are lengthening/getting longer |
ceum is greim 1 eat on the move, eat while walking 2 graze on the move |
ceum na mòrlanachd dragging your heels (over an unattractive task, fig.) |
a h-uile ceum all the time |
tha ceum crùbaiche ann Caoimhe Caoimhe has a limp |
tha ceum leatha innte she's inclined to exaggerate |
tha cois-cheum coilich a' tighinn anns an latha the days are lengthening/getting longer (fig.) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ceum [-a &] céim, pl. ceuman, -a, & -annan, sm Step, as of a stair or ladder. 2 Foo...an còrr |
ceum pr pt a' ceumadh, va Step, measure by steps, pace. 2 Move step by step. Cheum e gu mór...an còrr |
acainn -e, -ean, sf Apparatus, implements, utensils, tackle, tools, appendages of any kind. 2 Salve,...an còrr |
aonach -aich, -aichean, sm Hill, steep, height. 2 Heath, moor. 3 Desert place. 4* Meeting. 5‡‡ Fair,...an còrr |
ceumadh -aidh- sm Stepping, pacing, measuring. 2 Walking slowly, strutting, striding. A' ceumadh, ...an còrr |
fàs -a, a Empty, vacant, hollow, void. 2 Waste. 3 Laid waste, desolate. 4* Unoccupied. 5 U...an còrr |
flathail -ala & -e, a Princely, stately. 2 Showy, gay. 3 Elegant. 4 Victorious. 5 Illustrio...an còrr |
gàg -àig, -an, sf Cleft, chink. 2 Chap or fissure on the skin, caused by heat. 3 Painful hack on ...an còrr |
socrach -aiche, a. Easy, quiet, comfortable, at rest. 2 Affording ease or comfort. 3 Not easily moved...an còrr |
thoir irr v Give, grant, deliver, bestow on. 2 Take. 3 (with prep air) Persuade, compel. 4 (...an còrr |
eu- neg particle, also eug-, ea-, ei-, and a-. The following remarks about the distinguishing fea...an còrr |
toirsgian -sgéin, sf Peat spade, peat-cutter or peat-knife. Parts of a Peat-spade (DMy): ...an còrr |
spaistearachd sf Walking, act of walking strolling, sauntering, promenading, parading for pleasure. 2** Air...an còrr |
ceim ** gen sing of ceum. |
céim va see ceum. |
céimich va see ceum. |
ceumanna npl of ceum. |
ceum-cille sm Bier-balk. |
ceum-inbhe sm Degree in rank or dignity. 2†† Promotion. |
ceum-tuislidh sm False step. |
dàicheil -eala, a Handsome, graceful. 2 Genteel. 3 Majestic, stately, dignified. 4 Haughty, proud. 5 S...an còrr |
diùnlaoch * -aoich, see diùlannach. Ceum air adhart aig gach diùnlaoch (diùlannach), each hero marching for...an còrr |
docair -ean, sf Trouble, uneasiness, agitation of mind, affliction, restlessness. 2* Annoyance. Ceum...an còrr |
faicear fut. interr. & neg and imperf. pass. of faic. Faicear d' obair, let thy work be...an còrr |
gnàithseach -aich, sm Arable land under crop. 2(DC) Cultivator of the soil, tanner. Ceum a' ghnàit...an còrr |