Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
ciall céille, dat. céill, sf Reason, sense. 2 Opinion. 3 Meaning. 4 Discretion, prudence. 5 ...an còrr |
ciall sm in Badenoch, for ciall. |
ciallachadh -aidh, sm Meaning, signification, interpretation. A' ciallachadh, pr pt of ciallaich. ...an còrr |
annaibh prep pron (ann + sibh) In you (pl). Chan eil ciall ann, you have no judgment. |
céill dat. of ciall. [Sometimes used as the nominative]. |
géill -e, sf Yielding, submission, obedience. 2 Homage. 3 see ciall. 4** The thing yielded or given...an còrr |
mì pref. neg Indicating the opposite of, or the want of, the quality expressed by the wor...an còrr |
ciall-chagair -air, sf Watch-word. |
céille gen sing of ciall. |
ciall-chaisg † sf Example. 2 Check, warning. |
ciall-chogair see ciall-chagair. |
ciall-dhealbh ** sm Emblem. |
ciall-ionnsachaidh sf Acquired knowledge. |
ciall-nàdair sf Natural sense. |
ciall-nàdarra see ciall-nàdair. |
citheal see ciall. 2 see giall. |
eu-ciall -céill, see mi-chiall. |
sgialt sf for ciall. |