Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
ciatach a see ceutach. |
adhbharrach -aich, sm Elements. 2 Materials. 3 Young person. 4 Young beast of good or bad promise. 5 Hobb...an còrr |
braidseal -eil, -an, sm Hill used as a beacon. *This word is now used for a large fire of any kind, par...an còrr |
luach sm ind Value, worth. 2 Amends. 3 Wages. Luach ciatach, a good price; luach saoithreach...an còrr |
fonn fuinn, sm Land, earth, plain. 2 Region, district, country. 3 Delight, pleasure, 4 Desire, lon...an còrr |
boghainn * sf The human body. 2 Person. Is ciatach a' bhoghainn duine e, he is a handsome person; ...an còrr |
cùirtean -ein, -einean, sm Curtain. Cùirteinean ciatach nan speur, the beauteous curtains of the sk...an còrr |