Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
clò /kLɔː/ fir. gin. -tha, iol. -than
1 cloth, woven material 2 tweed 3 print 4 imprint, publishing house |
clò /kLɔː/ fir. iol. -dhan
Clò na Hearadh Harris Tweed |
clò-bhualadh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) printing 2 imprint, publication 3 (act of) printing out (in computing) 4 printout (in computing) |
clò Gàidhealach tweed |
tha caochladh cuir air clò Chaluim 1 there are many sides to this issue 2 he's full of surprises (fig.) |
clò-bhualadair /kLɔː vuəLədɪrʲ/ fir. iol. -ean
1 printer (printing house) 2 printer (machine) |
cuir leabhar (ann) an clò print/publish a book! |
clò-mór /kLɔˈmoːr/ fir. gin. -móir
broadcloth (usually Harris Tweed) |
tha caochladh clòimhe ann an clò Chaluim /ha kɯːxLəɣ klɔ͂jə aNəŋ kLɔː xaLəm/ 1 there are many sides to this issue 2 he's full of surprises (fig.) |
cruth-clò fir. gin. -a-clò, iol. -an-clò
aodann-clò fir. gin. -ainn-chlò, iol. aodainnean-clò
ceann-clò /kʲaNˈkLɔː/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-chlò
1 clod, dunderhead 2 sleepyhead |
muileann-clòtha fir. gin. -linn-chlòtha, iol. -an-clòtha
textile mill (often a tweed mill) |
clò-chadal fir. gin. -ail
1 (act of) dozing, slumbering 2 doze, slumber 3 lethargy |
clò-uisge fir. neo-ath.
liverwort (marchantia division) |
clò-sgrìobhadh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) typing 2 typescript |
clò-dubh fir. gin. -tha-dhuibh, iol. -than-dubha
clò-bhuailtear fir. gin. -eir, iol. -an
cuir clò air coinneal wind tweed up! (onto a wooden stick) |
clò Eadailteach italic type, italics |
clò-sgrìobhadair fir. iol. -ean
figh clò weave cloth! |
clò-sgrìobh gn. ag. -adh
clò Bucach kersey (cloth) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
clò gen clòtha, pl. clòithean, sm Homespun, coarse home-made cloth. 2 Nail. 3 Pin, ...an còrr |
clò va see clòdh. |
clò † sm Defeat. 2 The sea. 3 Variety, change. |
clò-chadal -ail, sm Dozing, slumber, lethargy. Clò-chadal na h-aoise, the lethargy of age. |
ach conj But, except, besides. Ach mise, but me; cha do rinn neach ach thusa e, none bu...an còrr |
beart-fhigheadaireachd -airt-, sf Weaver's loom. The parts of a weaver's loom are named as follows (see Illus...an còrr |
coinneal gen coinnle, pl. coinnlean, sf Candle. 2 Torch. 3(DC) Straight piece of wood on...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
fùcadh -aidh, sm Fulling of cloth. 2(CR) Pushing or moving heavily. Cha b' e an clò ciar-dubh nach f...an còrr |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
clò-bhuail va see clòdh-bhuail. |
clò-bhuailte see clòdh-bhuailte. |
clò-bhuailtear see clodh-bhualadair. |
clò-bhualadh see clòdh-bhualadh. |
clò-chlàr see clòdh-chlàr. |
clò-chodal see clò-chadal. |
clòdh -a, -an, sm Print, impression. 2 Printing press. 3 Variety. 4** see clò. |
clòilein -e, sm dim. of clò, Little web of cloth. |
clo-mheas ** sm Cloves. |
clò-suaine sf Slumber. Ag aomadh gu clò-suaine, drooping in slumber. |
cloth -a, pl. clòithean [& clòithntean] sm see clò. 2 Silly man. |
clòth-suaine see clò-suaine. |
greòsgach (DNC) a Open, as badly baked bread or badly woven cloth. Aran greòsgach; clò greòsgach. |