Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cluich /kLuç/ gn. ag. -e
cluiche /kLuçə/ fir. iol. -an
1 play 2 (act of) playing 3 game 4 stakes (of a game) 5 2 hails (2 goals in shinty) |
taigh-cluiche fir. gin. -e-chluiche, iol. -ean-cluiche
liosta-chluich boir. iol. -ichean-cluich
cluich-bhall boir. gin. -e-bàl, iol. -ean-bàl
1 ballgame 2 (with def. art.) shinty |
neach-cluiche fir. iol. luchd-cluiche
1 player 2 actor 2 (with ban-) actress |
tha an t-iasg a' cluich the fish are schooling |
cluiche air na clachan beaga pitch and toss, pitching pennies (variant played using pebbles) |
cluich fhiataidh fish quietly breaking the surface |
cluiche a' chaorain variation of find-it where someone in a group hides an object (caoran) in one of their hands |
cluiche air putanan pitch and toss, pitching pennies (variant played using buttons) |
raon-cluiche /Rɯːn kLɯçə/ fir. iol. raointean-cluiche
1 (playing) field/pitch 2 playground, play area 3 (school)yard |
féill-chluich boir. gin. -e-cluich, iol. -ean-cluich
gleac-cluich boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
nuair as fheàrr a' chluich, as fheàrr sgur stop whilst the going is good |
's math an cluich a lìonas brù it's a good sport that fills the stomach |
cluich-shùla boir. gin. -e-sùla, iol. -ean-sùla
cluich air rugbaidh play rugby! |
cluich na h-òrain air thuaiream shuffle the songs! |
tha mi buidheach cluich Halo 3 I've had enough of playing Halo 3 |
tha e saor airson cluich advantage (is) over (in sports) |
cluich poileataigs play politics! |
a' cluich air charades playing charades |
cluich leis a' ghealach play in the moonlight! |
cuirm-chluich boir. gin. -e-cluich, iol. -ean-cluich
Toraidhean Dwelly
cluich -e, pl. -ean [-eachan & -eannan, ] sm Play, pastime, sport, game. 2 Funeral games ...an còrr |
cluich pr pt a' cluich, a' cluicheachd, & a' cluicheadh, va Play, sport, game. 2 F...an còrr |
cuilean -ein, -an, sm Whelp. 2 Puppy. 3 Cub. 4 Leveret. 5 Frequently used for a dog of full gr...an còrr |
fìdeag -eige, -an, sf Small worm. 2(AF) Ringworm. 3 Small pipe or flute. 4 Reed. 5 Whistle. 6 (herb)...an còrr |
tàileasg -eisg, -an, sm Backgammon. 2 Chess. 3** Draughts. 4‡‡ Sport, game, mirth. 5(DU)...an còrr |
cluich-àbhachd * sm Comedy. |
cluich-cneutaig sm Tennis. |
cluich-cnagaire sm Cricket match. |
cluicheachd sf Playing, sporting, gambolling. 2 Gambling. A' cluicheachd, pr pt of cluich. |
cluicheadh -chidh, sm Playing, sporting. 2 Fingering a musical instrument. 3 Representing a character on...an còrr |
cluith see cluich. |
cnèadag (CR) sf Fir-cone. 2 Shinty — Loch Tay & Strathtay. Cluich-chneàdag, shint...an còrr |
leth-chluich s. Hail in shinty. In Eigg leth-chluich means 1 hail, cluich, 2 hails; cluich gu leth,...an còrr |
smàigean -ein, pl. -an & -geinean, sm Toad. 2 Frog. Cluich nan smàigean, leap-frog. |
àileis (DU), sf Playing. Ag àileis playing. Not applied to horseplay, but only to cluich ...an còrr |
bàire sf Given under bàir. In many districts it means ‘one hail' in shinty. Leth-bhàir...an còrr |
cluich an taighe sm A game which is practically the same as rounders. Two sides of equal numbers are picked, o...an còrr |
cluith v Badenoch for cluich. |
cneutag sf Ball for playing shinty, tennis or football. A' cluich air a' chneutag, playing at cric...an còrr |
goid a' chrùin s A game once played in Uist, like cluich an taighe. See p 52. Rounders. |