Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cluiche /kLuçə/ fir. iol. -an
1 play 2 (act of) playing 3 game 4 stakes (of a game) 5 2 hails (2 goals in shinty) |
cluich /kLuç/ gn. ag. -e
fearas-cluiche fir. gin. -ais-chluiche
art of gaming, gamesmanship |
sgioba-cluiche fir. iol. -aidhean-cluiche
liosta-chluich boir. iol. -ichean-cluich
cluiche air na sgilligean pitch and toss, pitching pennies |
cluich-bhall boir. gin. -e-bàl, iol. -ean-bàl
1 ballgame 2 (with def. art.) shinty |
dealbh-chluich /dʲaLavxLɪç/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
taigh-cluiche fir. gin. -e-chluiche, iol. -ean-cluiche
neach-cluiche fir. iol. luchd-cluiche
1 player 2 actor 2 (with ban-) actress |
cluiche a' chaorain variation of find-it where someone in a group hides an object (caoran) in one of their hands |
cluiche air na clachan beaga pitch and toss, pitching pennies (variant played using pebbles) |
cluiche air putanan pitch and toss, pitching pennies (variant played using buttons) |
raon-cluiche /Rɯːn kLɯçə/ fir. iol. raointean-cluiche
1 (playing) field/pitch 2 playground, play area 3 (school)yard |
buidheann-cluiche fir. gin. buidhinn-chluiche, iol. buidhnean-cluiche
taigh-cluiche fosgailte amphitheatre |
casg-cluiche fir. gin. ⁊ iol. caisg-chluiche
clos-cluiche fir. neo-ath.
ionad-cluiche fir. gin. -aid-chluiche, iol. -an-cluiche
lann-cluiche boir. gin. lainn-cluiche, iol. -an-cluiche
pàirc-chluiche boir. gin. -e-cluiche, iol. -ean-cluiche
1 play park 2 playing field |
Talla-cluiche Bedlam Bedlam Theatre (C Edin) |
raon-cluiche fuadain artificial (sports) pitch |
air an dòigh 's a tha e cleachdte air a bhith a' cluiche  in the manner he's accustomed to play/playing |
àm-cluiche fir. gin. ama-chluiche