Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cnàimh /krɛ̃ːv/ fir. gin. cnàmha, iol. cnàmhan
1 bone 2 unploughed area (in a field, due to the presence of stones too big to remove) |
cnàimhean /krɛ͂ːvan/ fir. gin. -ein, iol. -an
cnàimh-droma (cnàimh an droma) fir. gin. -a-dhroma, iol. -an-droma
cnàimh-glas fir. gin. cnàmha-ghlais, iol. cnàimhean-glasa
undisturbed potato drill (i.e. an unturned drill between two turned and planted drills) |
creathan /krʲɛ.an/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ain
small object (esp. small potato) |
cnàimhean na cluaise ossicle |
Toraidhean Dwelly
cnàimhean ‡‡ -ein, -ean, sm Ossicle. |
cnàimh gen cnàmha, pl. cnàmhan [& cnàimhean,] sm Bone. Cnàmh an droma, the spin...an còrr |
cnaimhean-glas (DJM) sm Mode of planting potatoes, by which the ground between the drills is left undisturbe...an còrr |
cnamhan-glasa sm see cnaimhean-glas. |