Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
com /kɔum/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cuim
1 chest area and/or abdominal area 2 torso (in medicine) 3 chest/body (of a harp) |
com-pàirteachadh poblach public participation/engagement |
com-pàirteachas fir. gin. -ais, iol. -an
com-pàirt boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 interest, participating share 2 participation 3 accompaniment (in music) 4 grazing land held in common |
co- ro-leas.
com-pàirteachadh poileataigeach political participation |
com-pàirteach /komˈpaːRʃdʲəx/ bua. coi. -tiche
1 participative 2 inclusive |
com-pàirteachadh /komˈpaːRʃdʲəxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) participating, taking part, partaking 2 participation, engagement 3 (act of) accompanying (in music) 4 accompaniment (in music) 5 inclusion |
com-pàirtiche /komˈpaːRʃdʲɪçə/ fir. iol. -an
1 participant, partner 2 contributor |
com-pàrtachadh /komˈpaːRʃdəxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) participating, taking part, partaking 2 participation, engagement 3 (act of) accompanying (in music) 4 accompaniment (in music) |
com-pàirtich /komˈpaːRʃdʲɪç/ gn. ag. -teachadh
1 participate, take part, partake! 2 accompany! (in music) |
com crainn body of a plough |
com-pàirteachas torrach fruitful partnership |
com-pàirtich siubhal nas cabhagaiche ri carbad impart greater speed to a vehicle! |
foillsich com-pàirt ionmhasail declare a financial/monetary interest! |
Fòram a Tuath airson Com-pàirteachas nas Farsainge North Forum for Wider Participation |
buidheann le com-pàirt ann an ionmhas a body with an interest in finance |
tha com-pàirt ionmhasail aige san iomairt he has a financial interest in the campaign |
com-pàirtich eòlas dhan òigridh impart knowledge to young people! |
com-pàirteachas sìobhalta civil partnership |
neach le com-pàirt sa chùis interested party, person with an interest in the matter |
clàradh chom-pàirtean registration of interests |
con- /kɔn/ ro-leas.
con- /kɔn/ ro-leas.
(the) very, (a) total, extreme, sheer (intensifier) |
clì-chomannachas fir. gin. -ais
Toraidhean Dwelly
com cuim, sm The cavity of the chest, the region of the viscera. 2 The trunk of the body. 3** Bre...an còrr |
com a see coma. |
com † sm Kindred. |
com † va Frame, shape. |
clàrsach ‡ -aich, -aichean, sm Harp. Cho caoin ri clàrsach, as soft as a harp. Parts of ...an còrr |
cuidheall-shnìomha gen cuidhle-, sf Spinning-wheel. Parts of a spinning-wheel: 1 Tei...an còrr |
fann -a & fainne, a Faint, languid, weak, feeble. 2 Infirm. 3** Helpless. Duine fann, ...an còrr |
luchd s. People, folks, company. Used instead of fir, when the reference may be to women as ...an còrr |
bliosan † -ain, sm Artichoke, see farrasgag. [Faclair.com editors' note: ...an còrr |
com-chochlach -aiche, a Wrapping up the body. |
com-maithcheas † -eis, sf Neighbourhood. |
cuim gen sing of com, s. 2(AC) see guim. |
cùm † -uim, see còm. |
fochannach -aiche, a Of, or pertaining to, growing com. 2†† Brairded. |
gart -airt, sm Standing corn. 2 First shoots of sown corn. 3* Vineyard. 4** Garden enclosure. 5(CR...an còrr |
comhalaich (com-altaich) spl Persons whom to meet brings good or bad fortune. JGC. W 239. |