Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
coma /komə/  bua. neo-ath.
1 indifferent, uninterested 2 of no concern 3 unconcerned |
còma /kɔːma/ fir. neo-ath.
coma leat! 1 don't worry, never mind! 2 don't bother! |
ach coma co-dhiù  but, at any rate |
bha iad ceart cho coma they couldn't care less |
tom-taiseam /tomə taʃam/ fir. gin. -eim
not fully conscious state of mind (e.g. fainting fit, coma, confusion, dizziness, vacant expression, daydream) |
có nach eil coma? who cares? |
coma ma ceàrr couldn't care less |
's coma leam! I don't care! |
is coma leis an t-sìoda có an tòn mu am bi e the sun doesn't care on whom it shines (fig.) |
tha mi coma! I don't care! |
tha mi coma ged a mharbhadh tu e I wouldn't care even if you killed it |
taisean /taʃan/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ein
fit, coma, confusion, dizziness |
coma leat dheth 1 never mind him 2 don't bother with it |
gille coma leat dheth never mind him, lad best ignored |
beul coma a loose mouth (fig.) |
sunndach coma co-dhiù happy go lucky, carefree |
fàs coma orra go off them! |
coma leat de chàch never mind the rest (of us), never mind anyone else |
tha mi coma coca I really don't care either way |
airson mo chuid-sa dhen ghràn, tha mi coma ged a thigeadh an àth 'na teine I couldn't possibly care less (fig.) |
tiom-taisean /tʲiməˈtaʃan/ fir. gin. -ein
not fully conscious state of mind (e.g. fainting fit, coma, confusion, dizziness, vacant expression, daydream) |
tha mi coma co-dhiù I really don't care either way |
's coma leam fónaichean tapaidh I'm indifferent to smartphones |
tuam-taisean /tuəm taʃan/ fir. gin. -ein
not fully conscious state of mind (e.g. fainting fit, coma, confusion, dizziness, vacant expression, daydream) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
coma a Indifferent, not caring, regardless. Is coma leam thu, I hate you; nach coma leat-s...an còrr |
coma conj. However. |
comann -ainn, sm Company, society, club. 2 Fellowship, intercourse. 3** Confederacy. 4** Meeting. Co...an còrr |
dàil dàlach, dàlaichean, sf Delay, procrastination. 2 Meeting, convention, congress. 3 Attempt. 4 ...an còrr |
fiach féich, fiachan, sm Value, price, worth. 2** Hire. 3 pl Debt, arrears. Fiach shia sgill...an còrr |
fuadan -ain, sm Wandering. 2 Carrying clandestinely as a horse. 3 State of straggling or straying. 4...an còrr |
geir -e, sf Tallow, grease. 2 Suet. Geir chartach, cart grease. Is coma leam comann ...an còrr |
is pres. ind v def. & irreg. Thus conjugated: IND pres is mi, I am; ...an còrr |
lachdann -ainne, a. Dun, tawny, swarthy, dingy, khaki, homespun grey. 2** Clumsy. Is coma leam a' bhri...an còrr |
leat prep pron With you (sing). 2 By you. 3 To you. 4 Along with you. 5 In your opinion or estimat...an còrr |
son prep. impr. & adv (air son) adv For, because of, on account of. 2 For the purpose ...an còrr |
strì sf ind Strife, contention. 2 Striving, endeavouring, earnest exertion. 3** Rivalry, contest. ...an còrr |
cinnseal -eil, -an, sm Commencement, origin, beginning. 2 Want, necessity, hardship. 3* Contact. 4** D...an còrr |
com a see coma. |
cuma a see coma. |
tianail (AH) sm Wink of sleep, “forty winks” nap, snooze, siesta. 2 Swoon, coma, dream. R...an còrr |