Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cuairt /kuəRʃdʲ/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 cycle, circuit, rotation 2 walk 3 excursion, short trip, tour 4 rounding (in mathematics) 5 round (in games and drinking) 6 complete strake 7 row (in knitting) |
mun cuairt /məŋˈguəRʃdʲ/ roi. gin.
1 about, around 2 about, concerning (dialects south of Tiree) |
cuairt-ghaoithe boir. gin. -e-gaoithe, iol. -ean-gaoithe
rach air chuairt cuimhne take a trip down memory lane! |
cuairt-litir boir. gin. -treach, iol. -trichean
cuairt-bheatha boir. gin. -e-beatha, iol. -ean-beatha
neach-cuairt fir. iol. luchd-cuairt
cuairt-bheòil boir. gin. -e-beòil, iol. -ean-beòil
1 saxboard, top strake 2 first round of peats placed in a creel |
cuairt-litir riaghaltais government circular |
cuairt-thoisich boir. gin. -e-toisich, iol. -ean-toisich
stem breasthook/brace-stick |
cuairt-dheiridh boir. gin. -e-deiridh, iol. -ean-deiridh
stern breasthook/brace-stick |
cuairt mu dheireadh 1 last round 2 final rounding (in mathematics) |
cuir bàta mun cuairt turn a boat around! (i.e. upside down) |
na bi ag eunadaireachd mun cuairt don't go snooping around |
cuir mun cuairt 1 rotate, turn! 2 stir! 3 circulate! |
cuir mun cuairt e stir it around! |
naidheachd mun cuairt air news about it |
cuairt-shruth fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
thoir am bloca mun cuairt shift the (halyard) block to the other side! |
gabh cuairt 1 go for a walk/ramble, take a stroll! 2 take a tour/trip! |
cuairt-shealladh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
mun cuairt air nuair a… about the time that… |
mun cuairt do shia bliadhna about six years |
siab mun cuairt shuffle! |
chaidh foirm mun cuairt gun… word got round that… |
Toraidhean Dwelly
cuairt -e, -ean, sf Circle, circuit, cycle, zone, circumference. 2 Circulation. 3 Bound. 4 Expeditio...an còrr |
cuairt (mun) adv Round, around. 2 About. Chaidh an t-slige mun cuairt, the shell went round. |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
car cuir, sm Twist, bend, turn. 2 Winding, meandering, as of a stream. 3 Trick, fraud. 4 Way, cou...an còrr |
ceum pr pt a' ceumadh, va Step, measure by steps, pace. 2 Move step by step. Cheum e gu mór...an còrr |
cóig a Five. Car nan cóig cuairt, the turn of the five circuits; cóig air fhichead,...an còrr |
gabh pr pt a' gabhail, va & n. Some idiomatic connections of gabh grouped under ...an còrr |
cuairt-shruth -shruithean, sf Whirlpool or eddy in a stream. 2 Stream abounding in whirlpools or eddies. |
mu prep. About, around. 2 Of. concerning. 3 On account of, for. Mun cuairt, about, round abou...an còrr |
cuid irreg. sf Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
dlùth -ùithe, a Near, close to, close. 2 Thickly set, dense, tight, confined. 3 Quick. 4** Incessan...an còrr |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
mun cuairt prep. Around, about. Mun cuairt dhomh, about me, around me; mu mo...an còrr |
teirig pr pt a' teireachdainn, va & n. Fail, be spent, be exhausted. 2 Wear out, spend, e...an còrr |
sgrìob -a, -an, sf Scratch, track, mark, line, scrape. 2 Furrow, as of a plough. 3 Cart-rut. 4 Trip,...an còrr |
cuairt-Mhìcheil (AC) sf Circuit made round burialgrounds on St. Michael's day. |
teachd sm ind Accession. 2 Arrival, coming, act of coming, approach, approaching. A' teachd, pr p...an còrr |
cuairt-ealain ‡‡ sf Cyclopaedia. |
cuairtean -ein, sm Little circle. 2 Little circuit. 3 Maze, labyrinth. 4** Whirlwind. 5** Eddy. 6 Perio...an còrr |
cuairt-eòlais ‡‡ sf Cyclopaedia. |
cuairt-ghaoth -ghaoithe, -an, sf Whirlwind, eddying wind. Sa chath mar chuairt-ghaoth, in battle like a ...an còrr |
cuairt-imeachd ** s. Circulation. |
cuairt-iùil sf Cyclopaedia. |
cuairt-labhairt ‡‡ sm Circumlocution. |
cuairt-labhrach ‡‡ -aiche, a Periphrastic. |