Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
cumha pl. -chan, sm Mourning, lamentation, sorrow. 2 Elegy, poem in praise of the dead, eulo...an còrr |
cumha -chan, sf Condition, stipulation, covenant. 2 Reward, bribe. Cha do thug Fionn a-riamh blàr g...an còrr |
brìgh sf Essence. 2 Substance. 3 Wealth. 4 Sap, juice, pith. 5 Elixir. 6 Vigour. 7 Strength, virtu...an còrr |
brònach -aiche, a. Sad, sorrowful, mournful. 2 Grieved, mourned. 3** Mourning. 4* Mean. Le cumha bròn...an còrr |
tog pr pt a' togail, va Lift, raise, rear 2 Build. 3 Brew, distil. 4 Carry. 5 Take away. 6...an còrr |
corranach -aich, sm Crying, loud weeping, the funeral cry of the Gael. 2** Mournful ejaculation. 3** Si...an còrr |
cumhadh -aidh, see cumha. |