Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cut /kuhd/ gn. ag. -adh
geàrr /gʲaːR ~ gʲaRəɣ/ gn. ag. -adh
1 cut! 2 carve! 3 sever! 4 dock! (e.g. a tail) 5 take off, make for! 6 cut back! |
gearradh /gʲaRəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) cutting 2 (act of) carving 3 (act of) severing 4 severance 5 (act of) docking (e.g. a tail) 6 (act of) taking off, making for 7 (act of) taking off 8 take off 9 (act of) cutting (back) 10 cut(back) 11 earmark (straight line on the side) |
geàrrte /gʲaːRdʲə/ bua. neo-ath.
1 cut 2 incised 3 hewn 4 segmented 5 cropped, mown |
bàrr /baːR ~ baRəɣ/ gn. ag. barradh
1 cut, shave! 2 shear! 3 pare, prune! 4 clip! 5 poll! |
beàrr /bjaːR ~ bjaRəɣ/  gn. ag. bearradh
1 cut, shave! 2 crop! (also in computing) 3 shear! 4 pare, prune! 5 clip! 6 poll! dehorn! |
buain mòine cut peat! |
gabh aithghearrachd take a shortcut! |
ciùbaich /kʲuːbɪç/ gn. ag. -badh
1 cut into cubes, cube! 2 dice! |
bealach goirid shortcut |
gead /gʲed/ gn. ag. -adh
1 clip, cut off! (esp. hair) 2 thrash, beat 3 bicker! |
fòidearaich /fɔːdʲərɪç/ gn. ag. -dearachd
1 sod! (both to break up sods left unturned by the plough and to cut sods e.g. for thatch) 2 cut sods! 3 idle about! |
snasaich /sNasɪç/ gn. ag. -sachadh
1 ornament, polish! 2 make orderly! 3 cut, trim! |
sgaoilteach /sgɯːldʲəx/ boir. gin. -tich, iol. -tichean
1 expanse, stretch (of country) 2 drying ground/area 3 area where peat is tossed after being cut from the bank |
cuta /kuhdə/ fir. iol. -chan
1 cut (of something, e.g. wood) 2 skein ("cut"; four skeins/cuts equal a hank and there are 60 threads in a skein) |
bob /bob/ gn. ag. -adh
1 cut hair! 2 have a haircut! |
gus sgeul fada a chur an giorrad to cut a long story short |
sgeireadh /sgʲerʲəɣ/ fir. gin. -ridh
riach /Riəx/ gn. ag. -adh
cut/graze the surface, scratch slightly! |
spadh /sbɤɣ/ gn. ag. -adh
1 give a strong pull! 2 cut a swathe! 3 jerk, twitch! |
gearradh fala straight cut (earmark) |
claigeann-bhòtann fir. gin. -ginn-bhòtann, iol. claignean-bhòtann
cut-off wellington (i.e. with the calf cut off) |
buainte /buəNʲdʲə/ bua. neo-ath.
1 harvested, reaped 2 cropped, cut, mowed 3 plucked |
fòidear /fɔːdʲər/ fir. gin. -eir, iol. -an
1 sodder (both person who breaks up sods left unturned by the plough and person who cuts sods e.g. for thatch) 2 idler, loafer |
tha smùid air Calum 1 Calum is drunk/half-cut 2 Calum is stoned/high |
Toraidhean Dwelly
cut pr pt a' cutadh, va Gut, as a fish. 2†† Dock, shorten. |
cut †** a Short. |
cut -a, -achan, sm Bobtail. 2 Piece. 3†† Short log. 4 Skein of yarn [There are four...an còrr |
glac glaice, -an, sf Hollow valley, defile, narrow valley. 2 Hollow of the hand. 3 Bosom. 4 Embrac...an còrr |
tosg -oisg & -uisg, pl tuisg & -an, sm Tusk. 2 Peat-cutter, see toirsgian. 3(AF) Tu...an còrr |
laodhan ‡ -ain, sm Heart of a tree. 2 Pith of wood. 3 Pulp, as of potatoes, wood, &c. 4** ...an còrr |
crodh-sìth (AF) sm Fairy cattle, said to have been of a dun colour in Harris, and speckled red in...an còrr |
trian sm ind Third part. 2 Particle. 3 Ray. 4 District. Trian a chliù, the third of his fame; ...an còrr |
mòine gen mòna [& mòine, ] sf ind Moss, mossy place, morass, bog. 2 Peat, turf. Cruach m...an còrr |
achadh -aidh, pl -aidhean, aidhnean, & achanna, sm Field, plain, meadow. Cornfield newly ...an còrr |
balg builg, sm Leather bag, budget, wallet, scrip, satchel. 2 Seed of an herb. 3 Boss of a shield....an còrr |
cuilc -e, -ean, sf Reed, bulrush, cane. 2 Cane to bottom chairs with, cut from the gobhal-luachair....an còrr |
Bealltainn -e, sf May-day, first day of May. On the first of May was held a great druidical festival in ...an còrr |
bearradh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Cutting, as of hair or any other crop. 2 Shearing, clipping, lopping, pru...an còrr |
beum gen beuma [& béime] pl -an, -annan, sm Stroke, blow. 2 Wound. 3 Gash, cut. ...an còrr |
maighdean -ein, pl. [maighdinnean &] -an, sf Maid, maiden, virgin. 2 Any female servant. 3 C...an còrr |
badan -ain, sm (dim of bad) Small cluster or tuft. 2 Little grove etc. 3(MS) Lock. 4 Tuft of...an còrr |
breac pr pt a' breacadh, va Carve. 2 Chequer. 3 Speckle. 4 Embroider. 5 Set or pick a...an còrr |
bruidhneach -niche, a. Talkative, garrulous, loud. Loquacious. 2** Querulous. 3 Given to gossip. 'S e sio...an còrr |
buain pr pt a' buain, [& a' buaineadh] va Mow, reap, cut down. 2 Shear. 3 Pluck, pull, t...an còrr |
maighdean-buaine sf Last handful of corn cut off the land. |
maol va & n. Make blunt, bald or bare. 2 Become so. 3(DU) Cut one's hair. Có a mhaol th...an còrr |
mìr -e, pl. -ean & -eannan sm Bit, part or piece of anything, as of bread ...an còrr |
caoran -ain, -an, sm Third or bottom row of peat cut from a bank with the "toirsgian" ...an còrr |
car cuir, sm Twist, bend, turn. 2 Winding, meandering, as of a stream. 3 Trick, fraud. 4 Way, cou...an còrr |