Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
de /dʲe ~ ʝiəm ʝiəhd ʝɛh ʝih ʝiːNʲ ʝiv ʝu/ roi. (dhen/den; dhìom, dhìot, dheth, dhith, dhinn, dhibh, dhiubh)
dé /dʲeː/  cst.
thàinig iad feasgar, dé? they came in the afternoon, did they? (dé forming a tag question i.e. did I/you/he/she/it/we/they, isn't he/she/it, aren't you etc?) |
de /dʲe/ roi. (den; dìom, dìot, deth, dith, dinn, dibh, diubh)
( archaic) 1 of 2 off 3 from |
a-bhóin-dé /əˈvoːNʲdʲe/ co-ghn.
gu dé? /gəˈdʲeː/ cst.
an-dé /əNʲˈdʲeː/  co-ghn. neo-ath.
dia /dʲiə/  fir. gin. dhé, iol. -than
1 god 2 God 3 (in pl.) the gods (theatre seating) |
a làimh (de làimh) co-ghn.
dé mar /dʲeː mar/ cst.
dealan-dé /dʲaLanˈdʲeː/ fir. gin. -ain-dhé, iol. -an-dé
butterfly (rhopalocera suborder) |
dé man /deː man/ cst.
dé? clsg.
Dùn Dé /dunˈdʲeː/  ainm-àite
1 Dundee (Dund C) 2 Dundee (NS; Canada) |
a' bhun-ìre de bhuadhair /ə vun iːrʲə dʲe vuəɣɪrʲ/ positive degree of an adjective |
bearradh /bjaRəɣ/  fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) shaving, cutting 2 (act of) cropping (also in computing) 3 (act of) shearing 4 (act of) paring, pruning 5 (act of) clipping 6 (act of) polling, dehorning 7 cliff, precipice, steep rockface |
air a leithid seo de latha  on such and such a day |
dé chuireas mi umam? what shall I wear? |
gabh truas dheth take pity on him! |
ge bith dé… whatever… |
ban-dia boir. gin. -dé, iol. -diathan
nam b' e an-diugh an-dé if I had known that yesterday, if I had only known that |
dé tha ceàrr? what's wrong, what's up? |
fail /fal/ gn. ag. -eadh
1 dehair or lose hair! 2 scrape! (a pig) 3 moult! |
béist de dhuine mór fiadhaich  a great brute of a wild man |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dé? int. pron. What? Dé sin? what is that? Dé a b'àill leat? what is your will? Cur...an còrr |
de prep. Of, off. According to MacBain, the peculiar custom of confusing this word with do, t...an còrr |
Dé gen sing of Dia. |
dé ** sm Day. |
dé adv (an-dé) Yesterday. Air bhon-dé, the day before yesterday. |
aidmheil -e, -ean, sf Confession, profession, persuasion. 2 Declaration, acknowledgement. Dé an aidmhe...an còrr |
àill sf Desire, will, pleasure. Dé is àill leibh? what is your will? an nì a b' àill leam, ...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
air bhòn-dé adv The day before yesterday. |
àird -e, -ean, sf Quarter of the heavens, “airt,” or point of the compass, cardinal point. 2 Heave...an còrr |
àird an ear -de an ear, sf The East, the east point. Gaoth na h-àirde an ear, the east wind; ...an còrr |
àird an iar -de an iar, sf The West, the west point. Gaoth na h-àirde an iar, the west, wind; a dh...an còrr |
àirde sf ind Height, altitude, eminence, high place, highness, excellence. 2 Promontory. Dé an àird...an còrr |
aisean aisne, pl aisnean [& aisnichean] sf Rib. Aon de a aisnibh, one of his ribs; ...an còrr |
fios -a, sm [sf in Badenoch]. Knowledge, information. 2 Notice, intelligence. 3 Word...an còrr |
beag a Little, short, diminutive. 2 Disagreeable, often used to express disapprobation. 3 Light, t...an còrr |
fuireach -ich, sm Delaying, staying, waiting, lingering. A' fuireach, pr pt of fuirich. Gu dé a...an còrr |
fonn fuinn, sm Land, earth, plain. 2 Region, district, country. 3 Delight, pleasure, 4 Desire, lon...an còrr |
an-dé adv Yesterday. Air bhon-dé, the day before yesterday; an-diugh is an-dé, today and ...an còrr |
motha comp of mór. Larger, largest. 2 Greater, greatest. Is esan as motha, he is the greatest; ...an còrr |
aois -e, sf Age. 2 Old age. 3 Antiquity. Dé an aois a tha thu? what is your age? is mairg a...an còrr |
ban-dia gen s bain-dé, pl -dée & -diathan, sf Goddess. A' bhan-dia a nì am b...an còrr |
bàsaich pr pt a' bàsachadh, vn Die (as an animal), perish. 2 Starve. 3 Wither, as a plant. 4 G...an còrr |
bathais -ean, sf Forehead, front. 2 Crown of the head. 3 Impudence. Nach ann aige a bha a' bhathais! ...an còrr |
beag sm & sf (n pl big, declined in sing as a beag). Little one. 2 Nothin...an còrr |