Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
dean † sm Colour. |
rinn past ind of dèan, rinn iad sinn, they did that; is olc a rinn thu! how badly you ac...an còrr |
deaghan -ain, sm Dean. 2 Any noted person. |
àill sf Desire, will, pleasure. Dé is àill leibh? what is your will? an nì a b' àill leam, ...an còrr |
àireamh pr pt àireamh, va Number, count, compute. 2 Reckon, think. Có a dh'àirmheas dùslach Ia...an còrr |
grunnd -uinnd & -a, -an, sm Ground, bottom. 2 Base. 3†† Sense. 4 Thrift, carefulness, economy. 5...an còrr |
aithreachas -ais, sm Repentance, penitence, regret. Dèan (or gabh) aithreachas, repent; nì ...an còrr |
a-nis adv Now, at this time. Dèan a-nis e, do it now; a-nis ma-tà, now then. |
guth -a, pl. -an, -anna & -annan, sm Voice. 2 Word, syllable. 3 Taunt, defamation. 4 Ca...an còrr |
iomair pr pt ag iomram, ag iomradh & ag iomairt, va Row, as a boat. Iomair am bàta, ro...an còrr |
bearradh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Cutting, as of hair or any other crop. 2 Shearing, clipping, lopping, pru...an còrr |
beatha -annan, sf Life. 2 Victuals, food. 3 Livelihood. 4 Welcome, salutation. 5 see beithir. Is amh...an còrr |
béic -e, -eannan, sf Curtsy. 2 Beckoning, hobnobbery - Dàin Iain Ghobha. Dèan béic, make...an còrr |
blasta a. Delicious, savoury, tasty. 2 Well-tasted. 3 Tasteful. 4* Agreeable. 5 Eloquent. 6** Season...an còrr |
bòidheach comp bòidhche, a. Pretty, beautiful, fair, handsome, comely. 2 Neat. Is ise as bòidhch...an còrr |
bràigh -e, pl. -dean, & -de, sm (& f). Hostage, pledge. 2 Prisoner. Bràighde-gill, ...an còrr |
braigh -e, -dean, sm Loud report, loud crack or clap. 2 Heavy stroke. 3 Monosyllable. Leig an gunna ...an còrr |
iomlaid -ean, sf Exchange, barter. 2 Change. 3 Act of exchanging. 4* Course, duration. 5** Moving, ge...an còrr |
buil -e, sf Completion, perfection. 2 Consequence, effect, issue, end, conclusion. 3 Success. 4 Ap...an còrr |
bun pl. buin & bunan, sm Root, stock, stump. 2 Bottom, base, foundation, foot. 3 Socke...an còrr |
bunachar -air, -an, sm Foundation. 2 Base, bottom. 3 Root. 4 Authority. 5 Etymology. 6* Dependence, co...an còrr |
cabhag -aig, sf Hurry, haste, despatch, speed. 2 Straits, troubles, difficulties. 3** Kind of pillor...an còrr |
caochan -ain, pl. caochanan, sm Eddy of air. 2 Whisky in its first process of distillation (Sc...an còrr |
leisg -e, sf [m. in Badenoch]. Laziness, sloth, slothfulness, indolence. 'Se an leisg...an còrr |