Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
dìon /dʲiən/ gn. ag. dìon
1 protect, (safe)guard! 2 shelter! 3 defend! |
dìon /dʲiən/  fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 (act of) protecting, safeguarding 2 protection, safeguard 3 (act of) sheltering 4 shelter 5 (act of) defending 6 defence 7 guard |
ionad-dìon fir. gin. -aid-dhìon, iol. -an-dìon
1 reserve, protected area 2 reservation |
Achd Dìon Dàta  Data Protection Act |
àite-dìon fir. iol. -tichean-dìon
ùrnaigh-dhìon boir. gin. -e-dìon, iol. -ean-dìon
balla-dìon fir. iol. -chan-dìon
1 protective wall 2 safety barrier |
dìon-lathaich fir. gin. -a-lathaich, iol. -an-lathaich
toll-dìon fir. gin. ⁊ iol. tuill-dhìon
dìon làban dheth push him hard, spur him on! |
dìon-mara fir. neo-ath.
bàta-dìon fir. iol. -ichean-dìon
cruiser, protection vessel |
aoidion /ɯːdʲən/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 (act of) leaking 2 leak |
gun dìon defenceless, without defence/protection |
féin-dìon fir. gin. -a
crios-dìon fir. gin. -a-dhìon, iol. -an-dìon
dìon luchd-caitheimh consumer protection |
dìon-cluaise fir. gin. -a-chluaise, iol. -an-cluaise
dìon-sgéith beag lesser wing-covert |
reachdas dìon cosnaidh employment protection legislation |
dìon àrachais insurance cover |
tha am mullach ag aoidion the roof is leaking |
tha dìon san t-soitheach the dish is watertight |
neach-dìon fir. iol. luchd-dìon
defender (also in sports) |
dìon-chàireas fir. gin. -eis, iol. -an
Toraidhean Dwelly
dìon pr pt a' dìon & a' dìonadh, va Defend, protect, shelter, shield, guard, save. Dìon...an còrr |
dìon -a, sm Shelter, protection, covert, fence. 2 State of being wind and water tight. 3* Second s...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
dìon-àite -àiteachan, sm Place of refuge, shelter, sanctuary. |
eu-dìon sm Leak. |
eun eòin, sm Bird, fowl. 2* Chicken. 3 Pout (fish). Eun-siubhail, a bird of passage, a straggl...an còrr |
luchd s. People, folks, company. Used instead of fir, when the reference may be to women as ...an còrr |
pronn pr pt a' pronnadh, va Pound, bray, mash, bruise. 2** Grind, pulverize, mince. 3 Maul. ...an còrr |
dìon-cluaise s Ear-covert of a bird. Soft feathers covering the external organ of hearing. See eun. |
ao-dìon sm ind see eu-dìon. |
aoi-dìon see eu-dìon. |
dian-airm ** sm see dìon-airm. |
dian-chòmhla see dìon-chòmhla. |
dìonadh -aidh, sm Protecting, defending, sheltering, shielding. 2** Defence, shelter, security. A' dì...an còrr |
dìon-airm -e, sf Place of refuge, sanctuary. 2 Depot. |
dìon-amhaiche sm Habergeon. |
dìon-bhothan ** sm Cloister. |
dìon-bhréid -ean, sm Apron. |
dìon-chainnt -ean, sf Speaking in defence. |
dìon-chàrn -chuirn, sm Fort. |
dìon-chòmhla sm Aide-de-camp. 2 Officer of lifeguards. |
dìon-fheachd ** sf Fencibles. |
dìon-lathaich -a-, sm Mudguard. |
dìon-longphort ** -uirt, sm Harbour garrison. |
dion-òglachas ** -ais, sm Heroism. |