Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dar prov. for nuair. adv When, while. |
dar prep. By, through. [Used only in swearing, as, dar mo làimh, by my hand]. |
canntaireachd sf Chanting, singing, warbling. 2** Melodiousness. 3** Song-singing. 4** Merriment. 5(a) The ...an còrr |
leam prep pron With me. 2 By me. 3 In my favour, on my side. 4 In my opinion or estimation. 5 Alon...an còrr |
dar-abhall see dar-ubhal. |
dar-daoil (AF) sf Venomous beetle. |
dar-ubhal -aill, -ùbhlan, sm Oak-apple. 2 Gall-nut. |
thu pers pron 2nd pers sing You (sing) Emphatic thusa, ...an còrr |