Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dath -a, -an [& -aithean,] sm Colour, stain, dye, tincture. 2 Colouring, appearance. Cha luidh...an còrr |
dàth see dòth. |
dath va Colour, dye, tinge stain. |
dath sm In Arran Chan eil e aon dath (fuar etc), it is not the least (cold ...an còrr |
dathadh ** -aidh, sm Dyeing, tincturing. 2 Dye, colour, tincture. A' dathadh, pr pt of dath. |
bonaid -e, -ean, sf Bonnet. Bonaid bhallach, bonaid chath-dath, a tartan bonnet; is i a' bhon...an còrr |
dathan n pl of dath. |
còta-geàrr (AC) sm Short coat or doublet like an “Eton” jacket with short cut-away tail. It was made of ...an còrr |
daite a & pt pt of dath. see dathta. |
dathaidh fut aff a of dath. |
dath-chlodhach -aiche, a Parti-coloured. |
dath-reodha (AF) sm Mole. |
dath-ruadh (AH) sm Sawdust of Californian redwood tree, used for dyeing purposes. |
loireach (DMy) a. Soiled, as when a sheep's wool is bedaubed with mud. 2 State of not being dyed or ba...an còrr |
samhlach -aiche, a. Likening, comparing. 2 Emblematical, typical. 3 Ghostly, spectral. 4 Allegorical. ...an còrr |
coireachan-beòtha sm Thread not sufficiently twined in spinning. Gun cual iad an Rudha Stòrr a liuthad dath a b...an còrr |