Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
deòin -e, sf Accord, assent, will, purpose. A dheòin, willingly; 'am (= do m') dheòin...an còrr |
aindeoin sf Reluctance. 2 Compulsion, force. 3 Defiance. Có dhiubh is deòin leat no 's aindeoin, wh...an còrr |
is pres. ind v def. & irreg. Thus conjugated: IND pres is mi, I am; ...an còrr |
deòin-bhàidh -e, sf Strong attachment. 2‡‡ Indulgence. |
fàth-chul adv Out of sight. Nach leig dha deòin air fàth-chul, who will not willingly let me out of sig...an còrr |