Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dealg -eilg, -an, sf Pin, skewer, wire. 2 Thorn, prickle. 3 Bodkin. 4** Needle, knitting-needle, “s...an còrr |
dealgan -ain, [pl. -ain- &] -an, sm Spindle, — Bible. Used in ancient times f...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
beart-fhigheadaireachd -airt-, sf Weaver's loom. The parts of a weaver's loom are named as follows (see Illus...an còrr |
dealg-gualainn ‡‡ sf Pin or brooch by which the plaid is fastened on left shoulder. |
stocainn -ean, sf Stocking, hose. Dealg-stocainn, stocking-wire, knitting-needle. Figheadair st...an còrr |
dealg-fhuilt ** sf Hairpin. |
coin-dealg -eilg, sm Similitude, comparison. 2 Criticism. 3 Counsel. 4 Contention. [** marks this †...an còrr |
dealag -aig, see dealg. |
dealg-bhacaidh sf Sny, toggle, see bàta, No.1 p.70. |
dealg-cheangail sf Belaying-pin, see No.2 p76. |
dealg-chluais ** sf Ear-picker. |
dealg-dorais (WC) sf Doorbar, latchet. |
dealg-fhiacall ** -aill, sf Toothpick. |
dealg-maraig (PM) sf Wooden pin, used in fastening ends of white or black Scots puddings. |
dealg-snaime sf Belaying-pin, see No.2 p.76. |
dealg-ursainn (WC) sf Peg used of old for holding one side of a two-leaved door, now superseded by the iron...an còrr |
deilg gen sing of dealg. |
deilge gen sing of dealg. |