Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
dearbh- /dʲɛrɛv/ bua. neo-ath.
identical, same (precedes and lenites the noun) |
dearbh /dʲɛrɛv/  gn. ag. -adh
1 prove, attest, verify, demonstrate! 2 validate! 3 determine! 4 affirm! 5 evidence! 6 argue, dispute! 7 authenticate! (in computing) |
dearbh /dʲɛrɛv/ bua. coi. deirbhe
1 certain, sure 2 positive (in mathematics) |
dearbh /dʲɛrɛv/ fir. gin. deirbh, iol. -an
gu dearbh co-ghn.
yes indeed, really, truly, certainly |
dearbh-nighean boir. gin. -nighinn, iol. -nigheannan
dearbh an fhìrinn determine the truth! |
dearbh cumhaichean a' chùmhnaint determine the conditions of the contract! |
dearbh-aithnich gn. ag. -thneachadh
dearbh-mhac fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -mhic
dearbh-aithne boir. iol. -an
1 identity 2 identification (ID) |
dearbh-aithne chorporra corporate identity |
dearbh-bhràthair-athar fir. gin. -ar-athar, iol. -bhràithrean-athar
dearbh-bhràthair-màthar fir. gin. -ar-màthar, iol. -bhràithrean-màthar
dearbh-chinnteach bua. coi. -tiche
certain, beyond doubt, positive |
dearbh-bhràthair fir. gin. -thar, iol. -bhràithrean
gu dearbh fhéin yes indeed, really, truly, certainly |
dearbh sin! prove that! |
dearbh-aithne nàisein a nation's identity |
dearbh-lethbhreac fir. gin. -bhric, iol. -an
an dearbh-chaochladh  the very opposite |
gu dearbha chan e! it's nothing of the sort! |
dearbh-chlò fir. gin. -tha
positive (in photography) |
dearbh-alcol fir. gin. -oil
absolute alcohol (in science) |
dearbh-neoini fir. neo-ath.
absolute zero (in science) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dearbh -a, a Sure, certain. 2 Particular, peculiar, identical. 3 Demonstrative (in gram)....an còrr |
dearbh pr pt a' dearbhadh, va Prove, confirm. 2 Try. 3** Experience. 4** Demonstrate. 5** Asc...an còrr |
dearbh ** -an, sm Proof, demonstration. 2 Experiment, test, trial. 3 Chùm. 4 Milk-pail. Cuir ...an còrr |
dearbh (gu ~) adv Truly, really, certainly, indeed. Is dearbh gum bheil, it is truly or po...an còrr |
dearbhadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Evidence, proof. 2 Proving, act of proving. 3 Trying, continuing, test, t...an còrr |
seadh int. Yes, it is, just so, just as you say. 2 Yes, indeed, truly, furthermore. Seadh, a Thighe...an còrr |
bi irreg v Be, exist. Conjugated thus: IND pres tha mi etc, I etc am. IND ...an còrr |
dearbhte a & pt pt of dearbh. Proved, confirmed, tried, ascertained, affirmed, attested, e...an còrr |
dearbh-bheachd -an, sm Certainty, assurance, confidence, confident hope. 3** Full view 4 †† Fu...an còrr |
gu prep. To, towards. Cuiridh mi litir thugad, I will send a letter to you; thuige is bhu...an còrr |
ma-tà adv Really, truly, indeed. Ma-tà gu dearbh, verily, indeed; nì mise e ma-tà, I will...an còrr |
dearbh-dhèanta a Accurate, correct. |
dearbhar fut pass of dearbh. |
dearbh-art -airt, sm see dearbhag. |
dearbh-bhann -ainn, -an, see dearbhann. |
dearbh-bheachdair ** sm Assurer. |
dearbh-bhràthair -thar, -àithrean, sm Brother, full brother, own brother. |
dearbh-bhràthair-athar ** -ar-, -àithrean, sm Full uncle on the father's side. |
dearbh-bhràthaireachd ** sf Brotherhood. 2 Society. |
dearbh-bhràthair-màthar -ar-, -àithrean-, sm Full uncle on the mother's side. |
dearbh-bhriathar -air, -thran, sm Axiom, truism, dogma, true saying. |
dearbh-bhriathrach -aiche, a Dogmatical, axiomatic. |
dearbh-chinnte sf see dearbh-chinnteas. |
dearbh-fhios sm Certain knowledge, correct knowledge. 2** Assurance. 3** Certain news. |
dearbh-fhiosrach -aiche, a Absolutely certain, having certain knowledge, well assured, convinced. |