Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
deich a Ten. Deich clachan, ten stones; deich fir, ten men. |
ball buill, sm Member, limb. 2 Member of a society. 3 Male instrument of generation, {penis}. 4 An...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
càmhal -ail, sm Camel. Deich càmhail, ten camels. |
deich-fillte a Ten-fold, decuple. |
deich-ràmhach Kind of boat, see p78. [A certain man when ordering a boat said, “sia-ràmhach a dhion ochd-ràmhach, ...an còrr |
deich-thaobhach -aiche, a Ten-sided. |
deich-thaobhach -aich, -aichean, sm Ten-sided figure, decagon. |
inbhe -ean, sf Quality, dignity, rank. 2 Eve. 3 Condition, maturity, state of advancement or progre...an còrr |
latha pl. làithean & lathachan, sm Day, space from evening to evening. 2 Daylight. 3 On ...an còrr |
mìle -lte & -ltean, a. Thousand. Làn mìle, a full thousand. [Commonly used in the si...an còrr |
mìle -ltean, sf ind Mile. Dà mhìle, two miles; deich mìle, ten miles; mìle shlighe, ...an còrr |
seachad adv By, along, on, onward, forward. 2 Aside. 3 Out of the way. 4 Past. 5 Beyond, more. 6 Gone...an còrr |
searrach -aich, sm Foal, colt. 2(DC) Colt till housed — Uist. 3 Filly. [A Gael considers ...an còrr |
teud -a & -éid, pl. -an sm [f. in Badenoch] String, cord, rope. 2 String ...an còrr |
thar prep Over, across. 2* More than. 3 Beyond. Thus combined with the personal pronouns — tharum,...an còrr |
deich-shlisneach a Ten-sided. |
deich-bhrìgh sf The decalogue. |
deich-bhrìghte see deich-bhrìgh. |
deicheach see deich-tillte. |
deich-roinn -e, -ean, sf Decimal, tenth part. |
deich-roinneach a Decimal. |
deich-shlisneach -niche, -nichean, sf Decagon. |
deich-shlisneag ** sf see deich-shlisneach. |