Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
deigh -e, pl. -ean [-eachan & -eannan] sf see eigh. [Final d of the old article h...an còrr |
déigh prep. see déidh. |
deigh a More fit. |
suipeir -e & -each, pl. -ean, sf Supper. Suipeir an Tighearna, the Lord's Supper, Eucha...an còrr |
leum pr pt a' leum, a' leumadh, a' leumartaich & a' leumnaich, va & n. Leap, bound....an còrr |
eighre †† sf Ice. 2 Frost, see deigh. |
eire sf Burden. 2 for eighreadh, see deigh. Is eire mo sgiath, my shield is a bur...an còrr |
eith see deigh. 2** see eighe. Mar mheall eith, like a lump of ice. |
an déigh see an déidh. |
deaghaidh -e, -ean, sf see déigh. |
déigh-làimh see déidh-làimh. |
eidhe see deigh. |
eighneadh see deigh. |
eighreadh see deigh. |
eiridh see deigh. |
minidh-teallaich †† sm Hot iron for burning holes in wood, wood burning tool, (deigh in Argyl...an còrr |
moireal -eil, -an, sm Boring iron, wimble, auger. 2 see moireag (deigh). |
oighre sf see deigh (ice). |