Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
deise /dʲeʃə/ boir. iol. -achan
deise /dʲeʃə/ boir. neo-ath.
deise /dʲeʃə/ boir. neo-ath.
couple, pair, two people ( archaic) |
deise aodaich a suit of clothes |
deas (a deas) /dʲes/  bua. coi. deise
1 South 2 (as a deas) southern 3 right (side) 4 ready, finished 5 accomplished, expert, skilful 6 active, alert, quick, snappy 7 to hand, handy 8 clever, sharp 9 deft, dexterous |
dias /dʲiəs/  boir. gin. déise, iol. déisean
1 ear of corn 2 piece of barley chaff 3 handsome person |
deise-fhànais boir. iol. -achan-fànais
deise-bhainnse boir. iol. -achan-bainnse
deise-ghoirid boir. iol. -achan-goirid
culotte(s) (divided skirt) |
chan eil miann deise aig a h-uile mìos tastes differ (fig.) |
chan eil miann deise an aon mhìos tastes differ (fig.) |
tha an deise sin fiot dha that suit becomes him, that suit suits him |
deise Ghàidhealach Highland dress |
deise-shnàimh boir. iol. -achan-snàimh
swimming trunks/costume, swimsuit |
deise dhubh 1 black suit 2 clerical suit |
bha an deise mar gum biodh i air a leigeadh air the suit fit him like a glove, the suit was a perfect fit for him |
deise-chruaidh boir. gin. -chruaidhe, iol. -achan-cruaidhe
deise-chothlamaidh /dʲeʃə xɔLəmɪ/ boir. iol. -an-cothlamaidh
suit of blended colours (i.e. woven of yarn dyed in different colours) |
déidhis /dʲeː.ɪʃ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
crìon-dias boir. gin. -déise, iol. -an
rùnaich deise muncaidh a mholadh resolve to recommend a monkey suit! |
deise-sgoile boir. iol. -achan-sgoile
deise thuthagach patched smock |
deise-fhliuch boir. gin. -fliche, iol. -achan-fliche
deise-bhrùthaidh /dʲeʃə vruː.ɪ/ boir. iol. -achan-brùthaidh
Toraidhean Dwelly
deise gen sing f of a deas. A dh'ionnsaigh na làimhe deise, to the right hand. |
deise -achan, sf Suit of clothes. |
déise gen sing of a. dias. |
deise comp of deas. Is i a' Ghàidhlig nas deise dhomh na a' Bheurla, Gaelic come's more readily ...an còrr |
deise ‡‡ a Dual. An t-àireamh deise, the dual number. |
deise ** sf Couple, pair, two persons. 2 see deisead. |
car-tuathal -ail, sm Wrong turn. 2 Turn to the left or contrary to the sun's course.3 Ill-chance, mishap....an còrr |
deas deise, a South. 2 Right-hand (side). 3 Ready, prepared. 4 Dexterous, skilful, expert. 5 Prope...an còrr |
dias déise, dat. déis, pl. diasan, sf Ear of corn. 2** Corn. 3** Blade of a sword. S...an còrr |
làmh dheas -an deasa, sf The right hand. A dh'ionnsaigh na làimhe deise, to the right hand. |
òrdag -aig, -an, sf Thumb. 2 Great toe. Air òrdaig an làimhe deise, on the thumb of their...an còrr |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
ball-deise sm Instrument to which two persons have a right. 2 Tool 3 Any useful instrument or weapon. 4 ...an còrr |
dannsadh-deise ** sm Strathspey. |
deis dat. sing f of a deas. 2 gen sing of s. deas, see deise. |
deiseachan n pl of deise. |
deise-mharcachd ** sf Riding-habit. |
deise-gleusta (WC) s Oilskin. |