Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
deiseil /dʲeʃal/
bua. coi. -e
1 clockwise, facing south 2 finished, ready 3 poised, prepared 4 handy 5 dexterous
car deiseil
clockwise turn
beul a bhith deiseil
almost/nearly ready
a bheil thu deiseil? Listen
are you ready?
deiseil gu falbh
ready to leave/go
biodh mo dhìnnear deiseil agad a-nochd
have my dinner ready tonight
tha e deiseil air rathad
it's close to a road
cha mhór deiseil
almost/nearly finished
croisean deiseil
second loop tied to the warp end rod (when tying off warp ends)
dèan deiseil
get/make ready, prepare!
faigh deiseil
get ready! (calque)
beul gu bhith deiseil Listen
almost ready
deiseil air gach nì
ready for anything
deiseil air aoigheachd a nochdadh
ready to show hospitality
deiseil dhe mo bhreacaist
finished with my breakfast
tha sin deiseil dha
that is handy for him
chan eil e buileach deiseil
it's not completely done/quite ready
chan eil e ach leathach deiseil
it's only half finished
biadh deiseil dhan àmhainn
ready-to-cook meals/food
tha an long deiseil airson a' mhuir a thoirt fo sròin
the boat is ready to head out to sea
tòisich air ceum deiseil
start on the right note! (fig.)
deiseil, deònach, dèan ás!
ready, set, go/ready, steady, go/on your marks, get set, go!
deiseil airson còmhrag-bhàis
ready for mortal combat
tha i làn deiseil airson cleas sam bith
she's fully prepared for any trick
bua. coi. -e
1 unfinished 2 unprepared, not ready
Toraidhean Dwelly
-e, a see deiseal.
deise, a South. 2 Right-hand (side). 3 Ready, prepared. 4 Dexterous, skilful, expert. 5 còrr
see deiseil.
†† -e, a see ain-deiseil.
-aile, see deiseil.