Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
de /dʲe ~ ʝiəm ʝiəhd ʝɛh ʝih ʝiːNʲ ʝiv ʝu/ roi. (dhen/den; dhìom, dhìot, dheth, dhith, dhinn, dhibh, dhiubh)
sadhbhaidh /sɤːvɪ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
garadh /garəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
uair dhen t-saoghal once upon a time |
an còrr den latha the rest of the day |
broclach /brɔxgLəx/ boir. gin. -aich, iol. -aichean
1 warren (esp. of a badger or fox) 2 messy area 3 rubbish 4 messy person, untidy person 5 rickety old object |
broc-lann /brɔxgLəN/ boir. gin. -lainn, iol. -an
chan eil ann ach cìrean dhen tuilleadh it's only the tip of the iceberg (fig.) |
tha mi dhen bheachd sin 1 I am of that view 2 I am of that persuasion |
uair dhan robh e once upon a time |
cairidh béiste-duibhe otter den, holt, couch |
neart dhen latha a good part of the day |
de /dʲe/ roi. (den; dìom, dìot, deth, dith, dinn, dibh, diubh)
( archaic) 1 of 2 off 3 from |
airson mo chuid den ghràin, leigidh mi an àth ri theine I don't care, come of it what will (fig.) |
gàrradh-opium fir. gin. -aidh-opium, iol. -aidhean-opium
thoir duibh-leum am beul an leòmhainn step right into the lion's den! (fig.) |
riochdaire dhen t-sluagh a representative of the people |
a' phuing as cudromaiche dhen phrògram the highlight of the programme |
na buill air an aon taobh dhen t-seòmar the members on the same side of the chamber |
garan /garan/ fir. gin. -ain, iol. -an
fochla /fɔxLə/ fir. iol. -ichean
dìs-lann boir. gin. -lainn, iol. -an
garadh-gill /garəɣ gʲiːLʲ/ fir. gin. -aidh-ghill, iol. -aidhean-gill
cha d'fhuair Calum móran dhen bhainne Calum wasn't fed well in his youth/young days |
tràth dhen anmoch early in the evening |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dèn (DMK) s Short deck in the bows of a boat, underneath which there is a cabin. West coast of...an còrr |
ceàrn -a, -an, sf Corner, quarter, region. 2 Kitchen. 3‡‡ Man. †4‡‡ Victory. 5‡‡ Expense. 6‡‡ Hold ...an còrr |
fròg -òige, -an, sf Hole, chink, niche, nook, cranny. 2 Marsh, fen. 3 Retired habitation. 4‡...an còrr |
donn duinne, a Brown, brown-coloured. 2 Brown-haired. 3 Surly, bad-tempered. 4* Indifferent...an còrr |
dos dois, pl. dois & dosan, [n pl of Nos. 6 & 7 is generally duis]. sm Bush...an còrr |
calltainn -e, sm Hazel (corylus avellana). [Badge of Clan Colquhoun]. Slatan den challtainn, ...an còrr |
caraibh (dat. pl. of cair) An caraibh a chéile, in contact, in grips; aom 'nan caraibh,...an còrr |
ciad a First. An ciad fhear, (m). the first man; a' chiad bhean (f). the ...an còrr |
cròg -òige, -an, sm Large or clumsy hand. 2 Clutch. 3 Palm of the hand. 4 Paw. 5** Claw. 6** Fist....an còrr |
cuid irreg. sf Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
garadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Den, cave. Tha garaidhean aig na sionnaich, the foxes have holes. ...an còrr |
de prep. Of, off. According to MacBain, the peculiar custom of confusing this word with do, t...an còrr |
deò sf Breath. 2 Air. 3 The vital spark, life. 4 Ray of light. 5 Vision. 6** Place where a stream...an còrr |
lag luig [& laig]. -an, sm [f. in Badenoch, Poolewe, &c]. Hollow, cavity. 2...an còrr |
lagan -ain, -an, sm dim of lag. Little hollow or cavity. 2 Little pit or den. 3* Meal receiv...an còrr |
leum léim pl. leuma, -an, & leumannan, sm [f. in Badenoch]. Leap, bound, ...an còrr |
lìon -ìn, pl. lìontan, [lìn — DMy] sm Lint, flax — linum usitatissimum. 2 Linen. 3 N...an còrr |
lugha comp of beag. Less, least. 2 More or most disagreeable. 3(DC) Used as the positive degree in ...an còrr |
meur -eòir, pl. -eòir, sm Finger. 2 Toe. 3 Branch, bough. 4 Branch of a family, kindred, cl...an còrr |
òirleach -ich, sf Inch. 2** Slaughter, massacre. Is treasa aon òirleach dhen ghille na dà òirlich den ...an còrr |
saobhaidh -ean, sm The den of a wild beast. 2 Litter and den of a fox. |
tuineadh -idh, sm Abode, dwelling-place, place of residence, retreat, den. 2 Receptacle. Tuineadh nan ...an còrr |
sloc -uic, -an, sm Pit. 2 Den. 3 Hollow, cavity, dell, hold, hole. 4 Grave. 5 Dungeon. 6 Pool, gut...an còrr |
slocan -ain, -an, sm dim of sloc. Little pit, ditch, hollow, dell or den. 2** Little pool. 3(MS) Soc...an còrr |
toll tuill, pl tuill & tollan, sm Hole, bore, perforation. 2 Hollow, cavity. 3 Crevice....an còrr |