Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
deur deòir, sm Drop. 2 Tear. 3 Any small quantity of liquid. 4** Brine. A' sileadh nan deur, sh...an còrr |
blàth -àith, -a, sm Flower, blossom. 2 Bloom. 3 Foliage. 4 Colour, hue. 5 Fruit. 6 Effect, conseque...an còrr |
sil pr pt a' sileadh, va & n. Drop, distil. 2 Drop, drip, shed, let fall in dro...an còrr |
sùgh va & n. Drain, dry, dry up, drink up. 2 Become dry, dry up. 3 Suck in, imbibe, swalow as ...an còrr |
eu- neg particle, also eug-, ea-, ei-, and a-. The following remarks about the distinguishing fea...an còrr |
dear see deur. 2** sf Refusal, denial. 3** Daughter. |
deòir gen sing & npl of deur. |
deòr -òir, see deur. |
deur-lus § sm Moonwort, see luan-lus. |
deur-shùil -shùla, -shùilean, sf Blear-eye. 2 Tearful eye. |
deur-shùileach -iche, a Blear-eyed. 2 Apt to weep. 3 Having tearful eyes. |
glug ** va Swallow with a gulping noise. 2 Gulp. 3 Gurgle. 4* Stammer, Ghlug e air a h-uile deur d...an còrr |