Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dhi prep pron To her, to it. (f). Nì slàinte tèarmann dhi, salvation shall be a bulwark...an còrr |
bonn -uinn, pl. -uinn & bonnan, sm Heel. 2 Sole. 3 Foundation, found of house. 4 Pedest...an còrr |
cruth -a, -an [& -annan], sm Form, figure, shape. 2 Countenance. 3 Personal appearance. 4 Expre...an còrr |
dair (darach oak) the fourth letter of the Gaelic alphabet now in use. The letters d and ...an còrr |
do prep. To (i.e. unto). [Aspirates word following and governs the Dative case. It is often dh',...an còrr |
gràdh -àidh, sm Love, fondness. 2 Lover, beloved object. 3 Charity, benevolence. 4 Virtue of univer...an còrr |
sméid va & n. Nod, wink. 2 Beckon. 3 Take aim, prov. 4 Hiss. Sméid i air a thighinn na b...an còrr |
comhairle -an, sf Advice, counsel. 2 Council, synod, convocation. Bheir mi comhairle ort, I will giv...an còrr |
annsa ** a Dear, attached, beloved. 2 Desirable, acceptable, 3 Glad. B' annsa leotha sgur, they ...an còrr |
feòraich pr pt a' feòraich & a' feòrachadh, v.a Enquire, ask, question. 2 Seek - Duanair...an còrr |
biolaichean spl Biolaichean nam bruach 's àite còmhnaidh dhi, plantations of the banks were her dwelli...an còrr |
cual-chnàmh (AH) sf Anything shattered to very small pieces. Bhuail e a' phoit leis an òrd agus rinn e cu...an còrr |
dhi-se asp. & emph. form of dhi. |
dhithse asp. & emph. form of dhi. |
dì prep pron To her, to it, see dhi. |
dì-se emphat. of dì, prep pron see dhì. |
fuar-bhuille (WC) sf Fatal blow, death-stroke. Có a thug an fhuar-bhuill dhi? who gave her the death-st...an còrr |
tamall -aill, -an, sm Space of time, length of time. 2 Space, distance. Tamall dhi 'na tost, she ...an còrr |
tiubhair ** va Give, grant, present, bestow. 2 Deliver, give up. Thiubhair i a gràdh, she gave her ...an còrr |