Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
de /dʲe ~ ʝiəm ʝiəhd ʝɛh ʝih ʝiːNʲ ʝiv ʝu/ roi. (dhen/den; dhìom, dhìot, dheth, dhith, dhinn, dhibh, dhiubh)
chan fhaca mi alt dheth I didn't see a trace of him (fig.) |
mar sin dheth… consequently…, so, therefore… |
faigh gearradh dheth get a piece of it |
dèan clòthanan dheth tear it to shreds! |
air mo shon-sa dheth for my part, as far as I am concerned, as for me |
's ann agad a tha an latha dheth what an easy time you have of it |
's ann aig Calum a tha an latha dheth 1 Calum is very well off 1 Calum is having a good time |
is géinn dheth fhéin a sgoltas an darach diamond cut diamond (fig.) |
gabh truas dheth take pity on him! |
gabh nòisean dheth take a liking to him! |
sguir dheth! no! stop (that)! |
tha mi sona dheth I'm delighted with it |
a' bhìdeag as miosa dheth the worst bit of it |
chan eil mi a' dèanamh bun no bàrr dheth I can't make head nor tail of it (fig.) |
spàrr dheth a cheann chop his head off! |
dèan fearsadan dheth ris a' chreag crush it (into pieces) against the rock! |
fhuair mi deannal dheth I put it to good use |
tha mi sgìth dheth I'm sick/tired of it |
dèan dà chruinn-leth dheth make two halves of it, separate it in two |
dèan fracan dheth break into fragments, splinter! |
coma leat dheth 1 never mind him 2 don't bother with it |
a h-uile smod dheth every bit of it |
cha dèan mi glanadh dheth I can't make head nor tail of it |
cuir dheth 1 turn/put off! 2 cancel! 3 yield (crops)! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dheth prep pron, asp. form of deth. |
dheth prep pron Of him, of it. 2** From. 3** From off. 4** From among. Tog dheth! cease, nonsens...an còrr |
de prep. Of, off. According to MacBain, the peculiar custom of confusing this word with do, t...an còrr |
adag -aig, sf Shock of corn, consisting of 12 sheaves, “stook.” 2 Haddock (melanogr...an còrr |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
ìochdar -air, -an, sm The bottom, lowest part. 2 Foundation. An ìochdar dheth, under, worsted, che...an còrr |
alt uilt, altan, sm Joint, joining. 2 Condition, state order, method. 2** Articulation. 3 Edifice...an còrr |
amh aimhe, a Raw, crude. 2 Unsodden, unboiled, unroasted. 3 Unskilful. 4 Bad, naughty. 5 Dull, li...an còrr |
bara pl -achan, sm Barrow. 2 Bier. †3‡‡ Act of going or marching. Bara...an còrr |
beò-shlàinte sf Life-rent, livelihood. 2†† Lifetime. Tha a beò-shlàinte aice dheth, she h...an còrr |
blasad -aid, sm Tasting, act of tasting. 2 Bit. 3 Drop. Gun am blasad, without tasting them. ...an còrr |
òran -ain, -an, sm Song. 2 Poem. Cha dèan sinn òran dheth, we will not make a song of it. |
meas sm ind Respect, regard, esteem. 2 Reputation, fame. 3 Opinion, judgment, valuing, estimate, a...an còrr |
pàirt -e, -ean, sf Part, share, portion. 2 Connection, interest. 3 Relation, kindred, relationship....an còrr |
buil -e, sf Completion, perfection. 2 Consequence, effect, issue, end, conclusion. 3 Success. 4 Ap...an còrr |
car cuir, sm Twist, bend, turn. 2 Winding, meandering, as of a stream. 3 Trick, fraud. 4 Way, cou...an còrr |
ceann cinn, sm Head. 2 Point. 3 Hilt. 4 Top. 5 End. 6 Chief, commander. 7 Headland, promontory. 8 E...an còrr |
réidh -e, a. Plain, level, smooth. 2 Polished. 3 Straight, uninterrupted, clear of obstructi...an còrr |
rud -uid, -an, sm Thing, matter, affair, business, circumstance. 2 Small quantity of anything. 3 ...an còrr |
seach adv Past, gone by. 2 Away, aside. 3 In comparison of. 4 In preference to. Chaidh e mu seach o...an còrr |
seach prep. Past, beyond, farther than. 2 More than, rather than. Seach an doras, past the door;...an còrr |
cleachd pr part a' cleachdadh, va & n. Accustom, habituate, inure. 2 Practise, use. ...an còrr |
sguir pr pt a' sgur & a' sgurachd, va & n. Stop, cease, leave off, terminate, desist...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |