Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
dìth /dʲiː/ fir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 need, want 2 deficit, lack, dearth, privation |
dìth /dʲiː/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
de /dʲe ~ ʝiəm ʝiəhd ʝɛh ʝih ʝiːNʲ ʝiv ʝu/ roi. (dhen/den; dhìom, dhìot, dheth, dhith, dhinn, dhibh, dhiubh)
dìth /dʲiː/ gn. ag. -eadh
1 cram, press, squeeze! 2 wedge! |
a dhìth /ə ʝiː/ co-ghn.
1 lacking, needed 2 missing |
rach a dhìth 1 die (off), waste away, perish! 2 go to (rack and) ruin, spoil! |
's fheàrr a bhith a dhìth a' chinn na a dhìth an fhasain /ʃaːR ə vi ʝiː çĩːNʲ nə ʝiː NasɛNʲ/ better to be without head than to be without fashion/dress sense |
tha magaid aice dhith she fancies her |
dìth-obrach /dʲiː obrəx/ fir. neo-ath.
an deach an dàrna taobh dhith? has she given birth? |
dìth-mothachaidh fir. gin. -e-mhothachaidh
dìth-chiontach bua. coi. -aiche
tha nòisean agam dhith I fancy her |
dìth céille senselessness, lack of sense |
rach a dhìth aig muir be lost at sea! |
dìlleachd /dʲiːLʲəxg/ fir. iol. -an
de-theodha /dʲɛˈhjo.ə/ boir. neo-ath.
(poison) hemlock (conium maculatum) |
dìochuimhne /dʲiəxənə/ boir. neo-ath.
chan eil an còrr 'gam dhìth I am not looking for anything better, I seek for nothing better |
chan eil 'ga dhìth ach an t-earball he's such a dumb-ass (fig.) |
tha sin a dhìth oirnn that's what we are lacking |
tha thu not a dhìth you are a pound short |
tha gròta an tastan a dhìth air he's a penny short of a pound, he's a sandwich short of a picnic, he's not the full shilling (fig.) |
dìth-chnàmhadh fir. gin. -e-chnàmhaidh
àireamh a tha a dhìth a missing number |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dhìth (a), Without. 2 For want of. Chaidh sin 'nam dhìth, I lost that. |
dhith prep pron Of, off, or from her, or it (f). Asp. form of dith. |
a dhìth adv Wanting, without. Chaidh e a dhìth, he went to nothingness. |
bean sf Woman, female. 2 Wife. Thus declined, Indefinite....an còrr |
ceart -eirte, a Right. 2 Just, honest, upright. 3 Proper. 4 Certain. 5 Fair. 6 Correct, exact, iden...an còrr |
ciall céille, dat. céill, sf Reason, sense. 2 Opinion. 3 Meaning. 4 Discretion, prudence. 5 ...an còrr |
coiseachd sf ind Walking. 2 Pedestrianism. A' coiseachd, pr pt of coisich. Bheir a Callainn a co...an còrr |
de prep. Of, off. According to MacBain, the peculiar custom of confusing this word with do, t...an còrr |
dearbh -a, a Sure, certain. 2 Particular, peculiar, identical. 3 Demonstrative (in gram)....an còrr |
dìth -e, sm Want, defect. 2 Failure, deficiency. 3 Destruction. Dìth céille, want of sense; ...an còrr |
dìth †† pt. a' dìtheadh, vn Die, perish, wither away. Tuirc nach faodadh airm a dhìth, b...an còrr |
dol sm ind Going, travelling. 2 Proceeding. 3 Ways. 4 Walking. 5 Space, distance. 6* Condition, s...an còrr |
fasgadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Protection, shelter, screen. 2** Refuge. 3** Shadow. 4** Sparks from red-...an còrr |
iasg -éisg, -an, sm Fish. Iasg dubh, salmon on its return from the sea; iasg air chladh, ...an còrr |
ladhar -air & -dhra, pl. -dhran, sm [f. in Badenoch]. Hoof. 2 Toe. 3 Claw. 4 Prong...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
muileann -inn, pl. -an & muilnean, sm Mill. Air cùl a' mhuilinn, behind the mill. Al...an còrr |
òrdag -aig, -an, sf Thumb. 2 Great toe. Air òrdaig an làimhe deise, on the thumb of their...an còrr |
ruith -e, sf Running, act of running. 2 Race, rushing, chase. 3 Flowing, act of flowing as a stream...an còrr |
sìneadh -idh, sm Stretching, act of stretching or extending. 2 Increasing in length, act of stretchin...an còrr |
solaraich pr pt a' solarachadh, va Provide, gather, prepare, procure, cater, purvey, provide acc...an còrr |
spéis -e, sf Liking, regard, attachment, endearment, affection, fondness, esteem. Thoir spéis, b...an còrr |
tlachd sf ind Pleasure, satisfaction, delight. 2 Inclination, liking. 3 Beauty. 4 Love, attachment, ...an còrr |
truas -ais, sm Pity, ruth, compassion. 2 Leanness, wretchedness, poverty. Ghabh e truas dhith, h...an còrr |
urras -ais, -an, sm Surety, security. 2 Cautioner, one who becomes bail for another. 3 Bond, insura...an còrr |