Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
co-dhiù /kɔˈʝuː/  co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 anyway, whatever 2 at least 3 ( conj.) whether |
diù /dʲuː/ fir. neo-ath.
1 sense of shame 2 sense of modesty 3 regard |
diù /dʲuː/ bua. neo-ath.
1 worth 2 due 3 worthwhile |
ach coma co-dhiù  but, at any rate |
co-dhiù! anyway! |
diù /dʲuː/ fir. iol. -an
1 the worst of something 2 refuse 3 reject |
chan eil fhios agam co-dhiù tha e fìor gus nach eil I don't know whether it's true or not |
co-dhiù no co-aige anyway, in any case (more emphatic than co-dhiù) |
co-dhiù 's e 's nach e do thogradh whether you like it or not |
sunndach coma co-dhiù happy go lucky, carefree |
mu dheireadh is mu dhiù at long last, finally |
co-dhiù no co-dheth anyway, in any case (more emphatic than co-dhiù) |
cha b' fhuilear dhi sin co-dhiù she would need that anyway |
tha mi coma co-dhiù I really don't care either way |
diù /dʲuː/ fir. neo-ath.
co-dhiù is ann a dheòin no a dh'aindeoin whether intentionally or not |
thig esan, neo co-dhiù bidh tu fhéin ann he will come, or at least you yourself will be there |
... is air co-dhiù bu chòir dha ...  ... and whether (or not) he should ... |
..., no co-dhiù bidh ...  ..., or at least ... will ... |
chaidh co-dhiù 20% dhen Enterprise a sgriosadh a full 20% of the Enterprise was destroyed |
coma leat (no) co-dhiù at any rate |
co-dhiù a tha no nach eil e a' tuigsinn na teòirige whether or not he understands the theory |
ach feumaidh sinn airgead an déidh sin is 'na dhéidh co-dhiù  but for all that, we will still need money |
co-dhiù £10 at least £10 |
aonan dhiubh co-dhiù  one of them at least, anyway |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dhiù see dhiubh. |
coma a Indifferent, not caring, regardless. Is coma leam thu, I hate you; nach coma leat-s...an còrr |
co-dhiù conj. However. 2 Whether. 3 In any case. |