Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
de /dʲe ~ ʝiəm ʝiəhd ʝɛh ʝih ʝiːNʲ ʝiv ʝu/ roi. (dhen/den; dhìom, dhìot, dheth, dhith, dhinn, dhibh, dhiubh)
tha àlach ann dhiubh there is a good many of them |
ach coma co-dhiù  but, at any rate |
deamhnaidh beag dhiubh precious(ly) few of them |
is miste iad uimhir a bhith ann dhiubh they're the worse off since there are so many of them/with them being so numerous |
am meud dhiubh a th' aig an taigh those of them who are at home |
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr! — Mar sin dhut fhéin agus móran dhiubh! Happy New Year! — And to you too! |
mu dheireadh is mu dhiù at long last, finally |
co-dhiù /kɔˈʝuː/  co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 anyway, whatever 2 at least 3 ( conj.) whether |
rinn i cama-réite dhiubh she spoiled them, she made a mess of them |
chaidh móran dhiubh air dìochuimhne air Calum Calum forgot a lot of them |
chuir iad trì chuir dhiubh mu a chéile they twined themselves three times around each other |
cuir nam both dhìot a' ruith run for dear life/like mad! (fig.) |
dà dhiubh gun aon roghainn Hobson's choice, being faced with two choices neither of which are acceptable (fig.) |
dé dhiubh seo? which of these? |
gabhaidh mi fear dhiubh sin I will have one of them |
marbhaich muinntir gun duine dhiubh a chaomhnadh kill a people down to the last man! |
mura dèan e math dhiubh, cha dèan e dolaidh dhiubh if it doesn't help them, it won't hurt them |
co-ionnann ri fichead dhiubh equal to twenty of them |
deannan math dhiubh a good few of them |
bhiodh pròis air neach le aonan dhiubh gun luaidh air na dhà you would be proud with just one of them let alone both |
bhiodh e air an fheadhainn a bu sine dhiubh he would be amongst the oldest of them |
coma leat (no) co-dhiù at any rate |
co-dhiù a tha no nach eil e a' tuigsinn na teòirige whether or not he understands the theory |
bha deugnachadh ann dhiubh there were tens of them |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dhiubh prep pron Of, off or from them. 2 From among them. Cuid dhiubh, some of them; aon dhi...an còrr |
aindeoin sf Reluctance. 2 Compulsion, force. 3 Defiance. Có dhiubh is deòin leat no 's aindeoin, wh...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
aon aoin, a One. 2 Alone. 3 Same. 4 Only. 5 Ace. [Aspirates noun following except one beginning w...an còrr |
buidheach -eiche, a. Thankful. 2 Well-pleased, satisfied, satiated, content. Chan eil e buidheach dhìom...an còrr |
dà a Two, In counting in Gaelic, for 1, 2, 3, &c, it is usual to say, a h-aon...an còrr |
feadhainn -dhna, -dhnach, s.pl. People, folks, 2 Band, troop, company. 3 Group of persons or things. 4*...an còrr |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
garbh gairbh, a. Thick, not slender. 2 Rough, of unequal surface. 3 Boisterous, stormy. 4 Harsh, ha...an còrr |
iomlan -ain, sm Whole, all. An t-iomlan dhiubh, the whole of them. |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
neart neirt, sm Strength, power, might, energy, pith, force, vigour. 2 Plenty, abundance, many, num...an còrr |
riochd -a, -an, sm Likeness, form, appearance. 2 State, condition. 3 Stead, place. 4 Ghost, spirit. ...an còrr |
sine comp of sean. Older, elder. 2 Oldest, eldest. Có dhiubh as sine? who of them is the elder ...an còrr |
math pl. -a, a. 1st comp feàrr or feabha, 2...an còrr |
fàth sm ind Cause, reason, object. 2 Opportunity. 3 Ambuscade, principle. 4** Poem. 5** Field. 6**...an còrr |
gar an conj Although not. The translations of Thug siud togail air m' inntinn gar an d' fhaod mi chà...an còrr |
dhiù see dhiubh. |
diubh see dhiubh. |
diubh-san see dhiubh. |
diù-san see dhiubh-san. |
diutha prov. for dhiubh. |
giùirne-mu-ghiùirn s. Auger-dust. Có dhiubh is fhasa, bata a dhèanamh dhen ghuairne-mu-ghùairn, no cuaille den g...an còrr |
òlach -aich, sm Hospitable person, one liberal of his own. 2 Beautiful person. 3 Term familiarly us...an còrr |
speir -e, pl. –ean & -eachan, sf Ham or hough of a beast. 2 Hoof, claw, talon. 3 A...an còrr |