Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
do /də/  sealbh.
your, thy (drops the o before a vowel and fh; causes lenition) |
air dho dhruim /ərə ɣrɯim/ on your back |
do-leughte bua. neo-ath.
do-dhèanta /dɔ ʝiaNdə/ bua. neo-ath.
1 impossible 2 not practicable, impracticable |
do-fhaicsinneach bua. coi. -nniche
do-bhriste bua. neo-ath.
do-fhear fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -fhir
do-chomhairleach bua. coi. -liche
1 incorrigible 2 unwilling to accept advice |
do-sheachainte /dɔ hɛxɪNʲdʲə/ bua. neo-ath.
do-chreidsinn bua. coi. -e
do-rannsaichte bua. neo-ath.
unfathomable, inscrutable |
do-léirsinneach bua. coi. -nniche
dòrainn /dɔːrɪNʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 torment, vexation 2 hardship 3 panic, mad rush |
do-luaidh bua. coi. -e
unspeakable, unutterable, unmentionable |
do-chreidsinneach bua. coi. -nniche
beyond belief, inconceivable, incredible |
do-cheannsaichte bua. neo-ath.
1 unruly, unmanageable 2 unappeasable |
do-sheachanta bua. neo-ath.
1 inevitable, unavoidable 3 mandatory |
do-labhairt bua. coi. -e
dò-bheart /dɔːvəRʃd/ boir. gin. -bheirte, iol. -an
1 bad deed 2 mischief, prank |
do-mhùthadh bua. coi. -aidhe
do-chlaiste bua. neo-ath.
do-àireamh bua. coi. -eimhe
1 innumerable, countless 2 unnumbered |
do-cheòl fir. gin. -chiùil
terrible music, cacophony |
dó-bhliadhnach /doːvləNəx/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
air /ɛrʲ ~ ɔrɔm ɔRʃd ɛrʲ ɔRə ɔːRNʲ ɔrʲɪv ɔRə/  roi. (air an; orm, ort, air, oirre, oirnn, oirbh, orra)
Toraidhean Dwelly
dhò a see dha. |
dho for da. |
gu prep. To, towards. Cuiridh mi litir thugad, I will send a letter to you; thuige is bhu...an còrr |
dò-bheart -bheairt, -an, sf Bad deed, vice. 2 Iniquity, mischief, prank. Leth do dho-bheart, the hal...an còrr |
fa dhò † adv Twice. |