Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
do /də ~ ɣɔ͂ ɣuhd ɣaː ʝiː ɣɯiNʲ ɣɯiv ɣaiv/  roi. (dhan/don; dhomh, dhut, dha, dhi, dhuinn, dhuibh, dhaibh)
dubh /duh/ bua. coi. duibhe
1 black 2 dark 3 sad 4 inky |
cidsin-dubh fir. gin. -dhuibh, iol. -ean-dubha
iolair-dhubh boir. gin. -e-duibhe, iol. -ean-dubha
golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos) |
siùcar-dubh fir. gin. -air-dhuibh
raosar-dubh fir. gin. -air-dhuibh, iol. -an-dubha
blackcurrant (ribes nigrum) |
cailleach-dhubh boir. gin. -lliche-duibhe, iol. -an-dubha
1 nun 2 sooty snoticle (hanging from roof thatch) |
faoileag-dhubh boir. gin. -eige-duibhe, iol. -an-dubha
black-headed gull (larus ridibundus, chroicocephalus ridibundus) |
clò-dubh fir. gin. -tha-dhuibh, iol. -than-dubha
dearc-dhubh boir. gin. -duibhe, iol. -an-dubha
blackcurrant (ribes nigrum) |
dubh-creige fir. gin. duibh-chreige, iol. -an-creige
ring ouzel (turdus torquatus) |
earradhubh /jaRəɣu/ fir. gin. -uibh
druim-dubh fir. gin. droma-dhuibh, iol. dromannan-dubha
reòthadh-dubh fir. gin. -aidh-dhuibh
glùineach-dhubh boir. gin. -nich-duibhe
wild buckwheat, black-bindweed (fallopia convolvulus) |
dearcan-dubh fir. gin. -ain-dhuibh, iol. -an-dubha
blackcurrant (ribes nigrum) |
An t-Eilean Dubh  ainm-àite fir. gin. an Eilein Dhuibh
1 The Black Isle (Highld) 2 Eilean Dubh (Ag&B) 3 An t-Eilean Dubh (W Isls) |
lon-dubh /Lɔnˈduh/ fir. gin. loin-duibh, iol. loin-dubha
(common/Eurasian) blackbird (turdus merula) |
an gràn-dubh fir. gin. gràin-dhuibh, iol. gràinean-dubha
rosy rustic moth (hydraecia micacea) |
Dòmhnall Dubh gin. Dhòmhnaill Dhuibh
(am) fiabhras-dubh fir. gin. -ais-dhuibh
sgoil-dubh /sgɔlˈdu/ boir. gin. -e-duibhe
black magic, the black arts |
(an) greim-dubh fir. gin. -e-dhuibh
tunnag-dhubh boir. gin. -aige-duibhe, iol. -an-dubha
am mìos dubh November (poetic, Julian calendar) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dhuibh prep pron To you, emphatic form, dhuibh-se. An cadal dhuibh? are you asleep? ...an còrr |
ás prep pron (ás + e) Out of him or it. 2 From him or it. [Emphatic - ássan, ás fh...an còrr |
biadh gen bìdh [béidh & bithidh] pl. biadhan [& bìdheanna] sm Meat, food vict...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
do prep. To (i.e. unto). [Aspirates word following and governs the Dative case. It is often dh',...an còrr |
freumhachadh -aidh, sm Taking root, rooting. 2 Propagating. 3 Derivation in grammar. A' freumhachad...an còrr |
gàd -a, -aichean, sm Iron bar. 2 Large, thick piece of anything. 3* Stalk. 4 Inherent propensity,...an còrr |
iùl iùil, iùilean, sm Guidance, direction. 2 Course, way. 3 Guide. 4 Landmark at sea. 5 Knowledge...an còrr |
mithich sf ind Time, proper or fit time or season. Is mithich dhuinn falbh, it is time we should b...an còrr |
mun cuairt prep. Around, about. Mun cuairt dhomh, about me, around me; mu mo...an còrr |
oidhche -annan, -an & -achan, sf Night, evening. 2 Darkness. Beul na h-oidhche, the evening...an còrr |
stéidheachadh -aidh, sm Act of laying a foundation, grounding, establishing. 2* Piling peats. A' stéidheach...an còrr |
suaimhneas -eis, -an, sm Rest, quietness, security, calmness, peace, repose. 2 Luxury of ease and rest. ...an còrr |
fuilear s. Too much. Fuilear is used to express necessity, need or obligation and forms a verb...an còrr |
clùmhaidh (AC) a Cosy. Gum bu clùmhaidh dhuibh gach nochd, cosy be every exposure to you. |
daoibh for dhuibh. |
duibh see dhuibh. |
duibh-se see dhuibh. |
for-dhubh ** -dhuibh, sm Lid, cover. For-dhubh an sùl, their eyelids. |
frasachd sf ind Rain, showers. 2 Showery weather. 3 Showeriness. Frasachd a' Chéitein, the showers ...an còrr |
mullach-dubh § -aich-dhuibh, -ean-dubha, sm Common knapweed (centaurea nigra), see cnapan-dubh...an còrr |
roibean -ein, -an, sm dim of roib. Filthiness. 2 Filth around the month. 3 Squalid little bear...an còrr |
searbhanta -n, sf Servant. 2 Maid-servant, indoor or outdoor. Searbhanta MhicDhòmhnaill Dhuibh, (Lochiel...an còrr |
claidheamh a' choilich-dhuibh (G) sm Milkwort (polygala vulgaris). |