Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
diù sm Long time. 2 see diùbhaidh. 3(DU) Care. 4(DU) Sense of shame, modesty, worth. Duine gun di...an còrr |
diù a Worth. 2 Due. 3** see diùbhaidh. Cha diù leam sin, that is beneath me — not g...an còrr |
diu adv see diugh. †2 Long since. |
feàrna § sf Alder — alnus glutinosa. 2 Old name for the letter F. 3 Shield. 4** Mast. Leis am...an còrr |
comhairle -an, sf Advice, counsel. 2 Council, synod, convocation. Bheir mi comhairle ort, I will giv...an còrr |
diù-san see dhiubh-san. |
diù-chall Bhon chuir Finne an diù-chall mo shùgradh is mo bheusan, since the fair one has flouted my suit a...an còrr |