Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dol sm ind Going, travelling. 2 Proceeding. 3 Ways. 4 Walking. 5 Space, distance. 6* Condition, s...an còrr |
dòl † sm Grief. 2 Cunning. 3 Trap. 4 Kind of fishing net. |
a' sign of the pres part (for ag). Used before consonants, as — a' fàs, growing;...an còrr |
abaichead -eid, sm Ripeness, maturity. 2 Pertness. Tha e a' dol an abaichead, it is growing riper an...an còrr |
aineol -oil, sm Stranger, foreigner. 2 Guest. 3 Unacquaintance. Ann an tìr m' aineol, in the coun...an còrr |
gath -a, pl. -an, -annan & -achan, sm Sting. 2 Dart, arrow, javelin of any kind. 3 Ray,...an còrr |
gèadh -eòidh, sm & f Goose. 2 Lump of the finest part of meal, made by children. 3 Tailor's goo...an còrr |
amharc -airc, sm Seeing, viewing. 2 Vizzy or sight on a gun. 3 View, sight, observation. 4 Beholding...an còrr |
tricead -eid, sm Degree of frequency. A' dol an tricead, growing more and more frequent. |
ás prep pron (ás + e) Out of him or it. 2 From him or it. [Emphatic - ássan, ás fh...an còrr |
astar -air, -an, sm Journey. 2 Space, Distance. 3 Way, path. Astar mór, a great distance; as...an còrr |
bàsaich pr pt a' bàsachadh, vn Die (as an animal), perish. 2 Starve. 3 Wither, as a plant. 4 G...an còrr |
cead sm ind Leave, permission, license. 2 Farewell, adieu. Iarr cead, ask liberty or lea...an còrr |
blàr gen sing -àir, n pl -àir, -a, & -an, sm Plain, field. 2 Ground, floor. 3 Wh...an còrr |
dolaidh sf Harm, loss, injury, damage, defect. 2 Detriment. 3* Mischief. Cuir a dholaidh, ruin, sp...an còrr |
bochd -a, [AC gen sing & npl — Isles]. sm The poor, the parish poor. 2 Poor person...an còrr |
bonnag -aig, -an, sf Jump, spring. 2 Sole of a shoe. 3 see bannag. 4(DU) Little cake. A' dol air bho...an còrr |
breith sf Judgment, sentence, decision. 2 Row, rank. 3 Layer. 4 Birth, descent. 5 Interpretation, si...an còrr |
bròn -òin, sm Sorrow, grief. 2 Mourning, wailing, weeping. 3* Mourning dress or habiliments. 'S e ...an còrr |
bruthach -aich, -aichean, sm [& f]. Ascent, steep, acclivity, hillside, brae, precipice. A'...an còrr |
buain gen buana, dat. buain, sf Reaping, cutting down, as of corn, mowing, harvest. 2...an còrr |
dol a-mach ** sm Carriage, behaviour, conduct. Dé an dol a-mach a tha air? what carry on has he? ...an còrr |
truimead -eid, sm Degree of heaviness, faintness or dejectedness. A' dol an truimead, growin...an còrr |
ceann cinn, sm Head. 2 Point. 3 Hilt. 4 Top. 5 End. 6 Chief, commander. 7 Headland, promontory. 8 E...an còrr |
feabhas 3rd. comp of math, or sm (gen -ais). Superiority. 2 Goodness. 3 Beauty, comelin...an còrr |