Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
do /də ~ ɣɔ͂ ɣuhd ɣaː ʝiː ɣɯiNʲ ɣɯiv ɣaiv/ roi. (dhan/don; dhomh, dhut, dha, dhi, dhuinn, dhuibh, dhaibh)
don /dɔn/ fir. gin. -a
a' dol don bhùth going to the shop |
am fear a tha fliuch, rachadh e don tobar he who is wettest let him go to the well, he who is dirtiest let him go to the mud (fig.) |
uair dhan robh e once upon a time |
an ùrnaigh "Glòir don Athair" Gloria (Patri) |
nach ann ort a bha an don-gnothach? goodness, weren't you bad/naughty? |
is fheàrr don chù a dh'fhalbhas na don fhear a dh'fhuiricheas better to run for it than be beaten (fig.) |
don-gnothach fir. gin. -aich, iol. -aichean
naughty/wicked behaviour, wickedness, naughtiness |
am fear don dàn a chroich, cha bhàthar gu bràth e /əm fɛr dɔN daːn ə xrɔç xa vaːhər gə braːx ɛ/ he that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned |
do /də/ roi. (don; domh, du(i)t, da, di, duinn, duibh, daibh)
( archaic) 1 for 2 to, unto |
MacGilleDhuinn /maxgʲiLʲəˈɣɯiNʲ/ sloinn. gin. MhicGilleDhuinn
thoir leat a' bhó don chaisteal is biadhtar i sa bhàthaich /hɔrʲ lahd ə voː dɔn xaʃdʲəL ɪs biəhdər i sə vaːhɪç/ bring a cow to the hall and she'll run to the byre (fig.) |
òraid dhan chùirt an address to (the) court |
dùbhlan dhan inntinn a challenge to the intellect |
neo-chronail dhan àrainneachd environmentally friendly, eco-friendly |
cha déid an còta fada cho math don a h-uile fear not everyone is fit to step into someone else's shoes (fig.) |
thug e dhan mhòinteach mi he tricked me, he pulled a fast one on me (fig.) |
nì am feur nach do dh'fhàs a' chùis don laogh nach do rugadh empty promises, you can't eat a promise (fig.) |
bi umhail dhan lagh obey the law! |
gun ùmhlachd dhan lagh lawless |
don-ionnsaichte bua. neo-ath.
don-bìdh fir. gin. -a-bhìdh
Deathan /dʲe.an/ ainm-àite gin. -ain
Còmhdhail-dhùn ainm-àite fir.
Toraidhean Dwelly
don * va & n. Make worse. 2 Deteriorate. Don-bidh, don-fhàrdaich, vile food, wretched hear...an còrr |
don † s. Water. |
don -a, sm Defect, want. 2 Mischief, evil. Don bìdh ort! ill betide you! (lit. may ...an còrr |
don (for do an) To the. 2 To their. [Not of the, of their, which is den]. |
bean sf Woman, female. 2 Wife. Thus declined, Indefinite....an còrr |
monmhar -air, -an, sm Murmur, uproar. 2 Detraction. 3 Complaint, grumbling. 4 Moaning. Is binn monmha...an còrr |
mothaich pr pt a' mothachadh, va Perceive, observe. 2 Feel, know, understand. Mothaich seo, ...an còrr |
seal-mara sm Space from which the tide has receded. 2(DMy) The period of about six hours of flowing to ...an còrr |
cha negative particle, Not. [Cha aspirates the fut. neg of a verb, also the initial...an còrr |
cill -e, cilltean [& cillean] sf Cell, church. 2 Chapel. 3 Churchyard, burying ground. 4 Grave...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
còrcach § -aich, sf Hemp, carle, see cainb. Buill don chaol-chorcach, tackling of hempen rope...an còrr |
tìr -e, -ean, sm [f in the North] Land. 2 The land, in contradistinction to water. ...an còrr |
cuairt -e, -ean, sf Circle, circuit, cycle, zone, circumference. 2 Circulation. 3 Bound. 4 Expeditio...an còrr |
cuid irreg. sf Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
cuigeal -eil & -alach, pl. -an & -aichean, sf Distaff, hand-rock. 2** Flax put on a di...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
dall doill, sm Blind person. Radharc iùil don dall, a guiding vision to the blind |
dàn -àin, pl. dàin, dàna & dàintean, sm Poem. 2 Song. 3** Verse. 4 Treasure. 6‡‡ Work....an còrr |
sgoil -e, -ean, sf School. 2 Education, learning, knowledge. 3 Science, literature. A bheil sgoil a...an còrr |
dìleas dìlse, a Beloved. 2 Faithful, loyal, trusty. 3 Favourable, faithful. 4 Nearly related or conn...an còrr |
dìol pr pt a' dìol & a' dìoladh, va Avenge, revenge. 2 Pay, render. 3 Fill, satisfy. 4 ...an còrr |
sìos adv Down, downwards (from one) —down towards one is a-nuas. 2 (shìos) Resting be...an còrr |
dìteadh -tidh, -idhean, sm Sentence, sentencing, judgment, act of condemning, reproaching, con...an còrr |
do prep. To (i.e. unto). [Aspirates word following and governs the Dative case. It is often dh',...an còrr |