Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dona 1st. comp dona, 2nd. comp donaid, 3rd. comp donad. a Evil, bad. 2...an còrr |
bruich sf Boiling. A' bruich, pr pt of bruich. Is dona a' bhruich a tha air, how badly it ...an còrr |
càradh -aidh. sm Mending, repairing, adjusting. 2 Usage or treatment, whether good or bad. 3 Conditi...an còrr |
ceann cinn, sm Head. 2 Point. 3 Hilt. 4 Top. 5 End. 6 Chief, commander. 7 Headland, promontory. 8 E...an còrr |
cuireadh -idh, -ean, sm Invitation. 2** Inviting. 3** Placing, laying. 4** Sending. 5** Deputation. Th...an còrr |
do prep. To (i.e. unto). [Aspirates word following and governs the Dative case. It is often dh',...an còrr |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
féile gen sing of fial. Talla na féile, the hall of hospitality; Rìgh na féile, the King ...an còrr |
fhéin pers. pron. Self. Used only as an adjunct to nouns or other pronouns. Mi fhéin, myself; ...an còrr |
gnàthaich pr pt a' gnàthachadh, va & n. Accustom, use, inure, exercise,...an còrr |
gnè sf ind Kind, sort, species, nature, quality. 2 Natural temper or disposition. 3 Countenance. ...an còrr |
gròta -chan, sm Groat, silver coin value 4d. sterling. Is dona am pàigheadh an gròta, a g...an còrr |
innseadh -aidh, sm Telling, act of telling, informing, rehearsing, relating, intelligence, information...an còrr |
mèinn -e, sf Ore. 2 Mine. 3 Vein of metal. 4 Mind, desire, inclination, disposition, whether good o...an còrr |
blas -ais, sm Taste. 2 Savour. 3 Flavour. 4 Relish. 5 Particle, the least part, 6 Experience. A bh...an còrr |
neo ar thaing a. Independent. Neo ar thaing cho dona rium, every bit as bad as I am. |
buidhinn buidhne, sf Gain, profit, emolument. 2* Quarrying of stones. Is dona a' bhuidhinn air na clac...an còrr |
cleachdainn -ean, sm Custom, habit, practice, use and wont. [** gives sf] Is dona an cleachdainn s...an còrr |
dòlach -aiche, a Destructive, pernicious, grievous. 2* Indifferent. 3** Each, individual. 4**...an còrr |
donadh a see dona. |
duibh-leum -léim, pl. -a, & -annan, sm Leap in the dark. 2* Bound, leap. 3* Sud...an còrr |
uamhlaidh (DMK) intensitive particle used to qualify the adj math. Uamhlaidh math, exceedingl...an còrr |
dioltaidh a (DMK) Devilish. Dioltaidh dona, devilish bad, Caithness and Sutherland. |