Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
dreag /dreg/ boir. iol. -an
1 meteor 2 light in the sky portending death |
An Dreag-bhod fir. gin. -bhoid
Ursa Minor, Little Dipper |
brù-dhearg /bruˈʝɛrɛg/ boir. gin. bronn-deirge, iol. -than-dearga
(European) robin, robin redbreast (erithacus rubecula) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dreag dreige, sf Meteor. 2 Falling star. 3 Fireball. 4(AH) Corpse-candle. 6(DU) Portent. Cruas na c...an còrr |
dreag † va Fight, wrangle. 2 Certify. 3** Signify, give notice. |
sgoil-dreag sf Meteorology. |
dreige gen sing of dreag. |
dreug see dreag. |
oll-drag see oll-dreag, |
oll-dreag -eig, -an, sf Funeral pile. 2** Bonfire. 3** Ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp. |
sgoil-dreagaireachd see sgoil-dreag. |