Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
duilich /dulɪç/ bua. coi. duilghe
1 sorry 2 difficult, hard 3 regrettable 4 sad |
dùilich /duːlɪç/ gn. ag. -leachadh
anticipate, expect, look for! |
tha mi duilich I'm sorry |
an car a bhios san t-seann-mhaide, is duilich a thoirt ás you can't teach an old dog new tricks, old habits die hard (fig.) |
's duilich dhut… it is a pity for you that… |
dùileach /duːləx/ bua. coi. -liche
pertaining to or abounding in expectations/hopes |
's duilich leam a ràdh I am sorry to say |
's duilich leam I'm sorry |
is duilich an cupa làn a ghiùlan 1 when the cup is full carry it even (fig.) 2 beware of power as power tends to corrupt (fig.) |
chan eil seo duilich idir, gabhaidh e a dhèanamh this isn't difficult at all, it can be done |
creutair duilich difficult customer (fig.) |
duilich air a shon sorry for him |
's duilich leam gun do chuir mi tarrag tro do làmh I am sorry/regret that I put a nail through your hand |
's duilich mi ruith I find it difficult to run |
's e creutair duilich a tha ann he's a difficult customer (fig.) |
tha e duilich bonnach fhuineadh gu càil gach neach you can't please everyone (fig.) |
bha e garbh duilich it was very hard |
cha robh e duilich car a chur san dealbhadh the design wasn't difficult to alter |
ged tha breug duilich, tha an fhìrinn searbh the truth hurts (fig.) |
is duilich ciall a chur an ceann amadain don't try to talk sense to a fool (fig.) |
dùileach /duːləx/ bua. coi. -liche
elemental, pertaining to or abounding in elements |
's duilich leam nach urrainn dhomh a shlugadh! /s dulɪç ləm nax uRɪNʲ ɣɔ͂ ə hLugəɣ/ pity his mother didn't drown him at birth! (fig.) |
's duilich triubhas a thoirt bho thòin luim /s dulɪç tru.əs ə hɔRʃdʲ vɔ hɔːNʲ Lɯim/ it is hard to shave an egg (fig.) |
tha e duilich eun beò a cheapadh it's hard to catch a living bird |
ged is duilich, 's fheudar it's harsh, but inevitable |
Toraidhean Dwelly
duilich a. Difficult, hard. 2 Sorry, grieved. Thus compared:— 1st. comp duilghe or ...an còrr |
dàn -àin, pl. dàin, dàna & dàintean, sm Poem. 2 Song. 3** Verse. 4 Treasure. 6‡‡ Work....an còrr |
is pres. ind v def. & irreg. Thus conjugated: IND pres is mi, I am; ...an còrr |
seabhag -aig, -an, sf Peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus). Cearc-sheabhaig, a fowl paid of old...an còrr |
doilghe a see duilich. |
doilich -e, see duilich. |
doilidh see duilich. |
dorra 1st. comp of duilich. More or most difficult. 2 More or most sorry or vexed. |
dorraid 2nd. comp of duilich. |
duilghe comp of duilich. |
duilghid 2nd. comp of duilich. |
fraigh -e, -ean, sf Partition-wall, side wall. 2 Wattled partition. 3 Border, edge, rim. 4 Border of...an còrr |
rath -a, sm Prosperity, fortune, success, increase, profit, advantage, good luck. 2(AF) Shoal. 3 S...an còrr |