Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
eòlach /jɔːLəx/  bua. coi. -aiche
1 acquainted, familiar 2 expert, skilled 3 knowledgeable, knowing |
eòlach /jɔːLəx/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
1 familiar person 2 expert |
seana-mhaor eòlach /ʃɛna vɯːr jɔːLəx/ 1 old acquaintance 2 expert, old hand |
bith-eòlach /biçɔLəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
mion-eòlach bua. coi. -aiche
1 intimately familiar 2 conversant |
fìor-eòlach bua. coi. -aiche
neo-eòlach bua. coi. -aiche
1 ignorant 2 inexpert 3 inexperienced, unversed |
èic-eòlach bua. coi. -aiche
eòlach air Calum acquainted with Calum, knowing Calum! |
leis nach robh mi eòlach air not being acquainted with it, since I'm not acquainted with it |
sòiseo-eòlach /sɔːʃɔ jɔːLəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
's fheàrr an t-olc eòlach na an t-olc aineolach /ʃaːR əN tɔLxg jɔːLəx nəN tɔLxg aNʲəLəx/ better the devil you know (than the devil you don't know; fig.) |
aineolach /aNʲɔLəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
1 ignorant, unacquainted 2 uncouth 3 illiterate, unlearned 4 ill-informed, not knowledgeable, uninformed |
b' eòlach do sheanair air! /bjɔːLəx dɔ hɛnɪrʲ ɛrʲ/ 1 ooh fancy/kinky! ain't that novel? 2 I've never heard the like! 3 who needs that? you don't need that! |
seann-làmh eòlach an old experienced hand |
cha eòlach 's a tha an ladar air a' phoit as intimate as can be |
cho eòlach air Loch nam Madadh 's a tha thu air ùrlar do thaighe to know Lochmaddy like the back of your hand (fig.) |
cho eòlach ri radan air gach cùil to know every nook and cranny (fig.) |
fàs eòlach air Calum get to know Calum! |
mion-eòlach air Calum very acquainted with Calum, intimately familiar with Calum |
saidhg-eòlach /saiˈgʲɔːLəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
seann-eòlach fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
corp-eòlach /kɔrb jɔːLəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
bleith bhith-eòlach biological weathering |
beò-eòlach bua. coi. -aiche
Toraidhean Dwelly
eòlach -aiche, a. Knowing, acquainted, cunning, skilled, expert. 2* Intelligent. Tha mi eòlach air, ...an còrr |
eòlach -aich, sm Adept, guide. 2 Acquaintance. |
aineolach -aiche, a Ignorant, unintelligent, rude, unlearned. Aineolach air seo, ignorant of this. ...an còrr |
b' (bu) past aff of is. Used before an initial vowel or fh. B' uamhasach an latha, ter...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
giullachd sf Management. 2 Usage. 3 Conduct. 4 Serving, guiding. 5* Preparing, dressing. 6 Improving. 7...an còrr |
gnàth -a, -than & -annan, sm Manner, fashion, custom, usage. †2 Stature. †3 Lowin...an còrr |
olc uilc, sm Mischief, evil, wickedness. 2 Apparition. 3‡‡ Hurt, loss, damage, harm. Chaidh e chu...an còrr |
cion-eòlach a Ignorant. |
comh-eòlach -aiche, a Conscious, equally knowing, equally informed. 2** Mutually acquainting. |
cruinn-eòlach -aiche, a Skilled in spherics. 2** Having a knowledge of geography. |
dlùth-eòlach ** a Intimate, acquainted, familiar. |
eòlaiche comp of eòlach. |
geodal (DMy) sm Flattery. Tha mi eòlach air do gheodal, I am acquainted with your flattery. |
gnàth-eòlach a. Experienced. |
leth-eòlach -aiche, a. Half-acquainted. 2 Half-informed. |
leth-eòlach -aich, sm Novice. |
luibh-eòlach -aiche, a. Skilled in botany. 2 Skilled in the virtues of herbs. |
min-eòlach see mion-eòlach. |
mion-eòlach -aiche, a. Intimately or thoroughly acquainted. |
neo-eòlach -aiche, a. Ignorant, unacquainted. 2 Not expert, not cunning. |
reul-eòlach -aiche, a. Skilled in astronomy or astrology. Gu reul-eòlach, astrologically. |
speur-eòlach a. Versed in astronomy or astrology. |
tìr-eòlach a Geographical. |