Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
eudach ** -aiche, a. Zealous. 2 Jealous. Gu h-eudach, jealously. |
eudach -aich, sm Jealous man. 2* Jealousy between man and wife. Ag eudach rithe, accusing her of ...an còrr |
eudach -aich, sm see aodach. |
eud sm Zeal. 2 Jealousy. [Eud in the North generally means zeal, while jealousy is iada...an còrr |
eu- neg particle, also eug-, ea-, ei-, and a-. The following remarks about the distinguishing fea...an còrr |
ceann-eudach see ceann-aodach. |
din-eudach see din-aodach. |
eudaich gen sing of eudach (for aodach). |
iadach -aich, sm Jealousy. [Generally used in the North with this meaning, but in Glenlyon and the S...an còrr |
leth-eudach ** see leth-aodach. |
lìon-eudach see lìon-aodach. |
saic-eudach see aodach-saic. |
sròin-eudach ** -aich, sm Pocket handkerchief. |
taisg-eudach see taisg-aodach. |
tuil-eudach see tuil-aodach. |
uchd-eudach see uchd-aodach. |