Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
fàs /faːs/ fir. gin. fàis, iol. -an
1 (act of) growing, increasing, waxing 2 growth, increase 3 (act of) becoming, getting, turning 4 (act of) developing 5 (act of) shooting, sprouting 6 shoot, sprout |
fàs /faːs/ gn. ag. fàs
1 grow, increase, wax! 2 become, get, turn! 3 develop! 4 shoot, sprout! |
fàs /faːs/ bua. coi. -a
1 empty, vacant 2 unoccupied, deserted 3 laid waste 4 barren |
thoir fàs air deanntagan grow nettles! |
a' ghealach a' fàs the waxing moon |
greimeannan-fàs fir. iol.
fàs-leigeil boir. gin. -leigealach
(act of) draining (e.g. a wound or abscess) |
fasg-lann boir. gin. -ainn, iol. -an
fàs-nead fir. gin. nid, iol. -an
fàs trom get pregnant! |
bha an aimsir a' fàs fiadhaich the weather was growing rough/wild |
fàs gorm leis an fhuachd grow blue with (the) cold! |
fàs-dhìobhairt fir. neo-ath.
fàs-choille boir. iol. -choilltean
fearann fàs waste ground, wasteland |
fàs-leig gn. ag. -eil
drain! (e.g. a wound or abscess) |
fàs cleachdte ri Màiri get/grow used to/accustomed to Màiri! |
tha a' phlangaid a' fàs beag the blanket is shrinking |
fàs coma orra go off them! |
mòine fhàs peat full of holes (substance having been washed out) |
gille fireann 's e a' fàs, dh'itheadh e mar a bhleitheadh a' bhràth a growing boy will eat like a starving wolf, a growing boy can never eat his fill, a growing lad never stops eating (fig) |
balach fireann 's e ri fàs, dh'itheadh e na clachan-moil mar a chuireadh muir gu tràigh a growing boy will eat like a starving wolf, a growing boy can never eat his fill, a growing lad never stops eating (fig) |
fàs gu sìolmhor grow in abundance! |
tha caol a' fàs aice she grows osiers |
fàs-bheartach bua. coi. -aiche
Toraidhean Dwelly
fàs -a, a Empty, vacant, hollow, void. 2 Waste. 3 Laid waste, desolate. 4* Unoccupied. 5 U...an còrr |
fàs -àis, sm Growth, increase. 2 Growing, increasing, becoming, state or act of growing. 3* Produ...an còrr |
fàs pr pt a' fas, vn Grow, vegetate. 2 Increase. 3 Become great or little, good or bad. 4*...an còrr |
fas † sm Homestead, abode. |
fàs-choille -choilltean, sf Young grove, grove or wood in the first few years of its growth. 2†...an còrr |
a' sign of the pres part (for ag). Used before consonants, as — a' fàs, growing;...an còrr |
aosta a Old, aged, ancient. An déidh dhomh fàs aosta, after I have become old; a bharda aost...an còrr |
beannaichte a & pr part of beannaich. Blessed. 2 Saluted. 3 Holy. 4 Happy. Is beannaichte an duine, ...an còrr |
beò * sm Life-time. 2 The living. 3† Cattle. 4 Living flesh. 5(CR) Air in gentle motion. Tha ’m b...an còrr |
buidhead -eid, sf Degree of yellowness. A' fàs am buidhead, growing more and more yellow. |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
dias déise, dat. déis, pl. diasan, sf Ear of corn. 2** Corn. 3** Blade of a sword. S...an còrr |
DihAoine sm Friday. DihAoine gu fàs 's DiMàirt gu buain, ach obair a thòisicheas DiLuain bidh i luath ...an còrr |
dris -e, -ean, sf Common bramble, briar, blackberry or thorn (rubus fructicosus). [The badg...an còrr |
fearann -ainn, sm [sf in Badenoch]. Land, country. 2 Estate. 3 Farm. 4** Earth, land, i...an còrr |
fionnadh -aidh, sm Flaying, skinning. 2 Trying. 3 Searching. 4 Examining. 5** Hair of a quadruped. 6**...an còrr |
leotha prep pron With them, in their company. 2 By them. 3 On their side. 4 In their favour. 5 In th...an còrr |
luath luaithe, a. Swift, fleet, nimble. 2 Quick, speedy. 3** Transient. Each luath, a swift hors...an còrr |
móran -ain, sm coll. Great number, multitude, many. 2 Much, great quantity. Tha móran aca ag ràdh, ...an còrr |
taigh -e, -ean, sm House. 'S e 'ainm aoibhneach taigh na féile, its joyful name is the house of ...an còrr |
cal ** sm Condition of body. 2 Grief, despondency. 3 Darkness. 4†† see ceal. Is mat...an còrr |
fàs-dhìobhairt sm Retching. |
fàs-ghlac -ghlaice, -an, sf Desert vale. |
fàs-ghleann -ghlinn, sm Desert vale. |