Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
fìor /fiər/ bua. coi. fìre
1 true, veritable 2 genuine, real, actual, authentic 3 extra, extreme 4 stark, sheer 5 substantial 6 very |
fìor- /fiər/ bua. neo-ath.
really, truly (precedes and lenites the noun) |
fìor-bhrìgh boir. gin. -e
true meaning/significance |
ma tha do sheanchas fìor… if your news is true… |
fìor-riochdail bua. coi. -e
realistic (good representation of reality) |
chan eil fhios agam co-dhiù tha e fìor gus nach eil I don't know whether it's true or not |
fìor-thuath bua.
fìor-bhathar-bog fir. gin. -air-bhog
fìor-mhaighstir fir. iol. -ean
fìor-àireamh boir. gin. -eimh, iol. -an
fìor-chosgais boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
fìor-theagasg fir. gin. -aisg, iol. -an
fìor-eòlach bua. coi. -aiche
fìor-lùghdaich gn. ag. -dachadh
minimise! (esp. in computing) |
fìor-iasg fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -éisg
fìor-Ghàidheal fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -eil
fiar-óthaisg boir. iol. -ean
year-old ewe (i.e. sheep which has lambed before reaching the age of 1) |
mas eadh is gu bheil e fìor but should it be true |
bha mi féir a' dol a sheinn I was about to sing |
mas fìor /mas fiər/ 1 allegedly, reputedly 2 (excl.) as if, yeah right! |
fìor-ghlic bua. coi. -e
1 truly wise 2 really smart |
's minig thàinig fìor á fanaid don't joke, it might come true/yet happen (fig.) |
fìor-chorra uair /fiər xɔRə uərʲ/ very occasionally/rarely |
's e fìor-stòlair a th' ann he's a real good-for-nothing (fig.) |
fìor-àm fir. gin. -ama
Toraidhean Dwelly
fìor -a & fìre, a True. 2 Genuine, pure. 3 Sterling (of its kind). 4** Just. 5** Real. 6** Per...an còrr |
fior (AF) sm Milk. |
fìor ** va Verify. |
fìor a True. Gu fìor, adv Truly. |
duilich a. Difficult, hard. 2 Sorry, grieved. Thus compared:— 1st. comp duilghe or ...an còrr |
fada faide, a Long, of great length, the opposite of short. 2 Of long continuance, for a lo...an còrr |
fìor-iomall -aill, sm The utmost limit. |
beag a Little, short, diminutive. 2 Disagreeable, often used to express disapprobation. 3 Light, t...an còrr |
fìor-uachdar -air, sm Top, summit. |
ràdh sm Saying, act of saying, affirming or expressing. 2 Word, saying, adage, proverb. 3 Noise. 4...an còrr |
gu conj. That, to the end that. Used to signify a wish or idea, and implies that a sentence whic...an còrr |
is pres. ind v def. & irreg. Thus conjugated: IND pres is mi, I am; ...an còrr |
Màrt -àirt, sm Month of March. 2 Tuesday. 3 Time suitable for agricultural work. 4* Busiest time a...an còrr |
uisge -an & -achan, sm Water. 2 Shower, rain. 3 Billow, wave. 4 River, stream. 5§ Water avens (...an còrr |
fìor-iasg (AF) sm Salmon. |
fìor-chrann -ainn & -oinn, sf Sycamore tree see craobh-sice. |
fìor-aithris -ean, sf Veracity, speaking of truth, true tale. |
fìor-chreideamh sm Orthodoxy. 2** Sound faith. |
fìor-chreidmheach -mhich, sm True believer. 2 Orthodox divine. |
fìor-chreidmheach -mhiche, a Orthodox. 2 Believing, faithful. |
fìor-dhìleas -dhìlse, a Genuine, true. 2 Sincere. 3 Very faithful. 4 Near akin. |
fìor-eun †† -eòin, sm Eagle. |
fìor-fhuil -fhala, sf Noble blood. |
fìor-ghlan -ghloine, a Pure, clean. 2 Sincere. 3 Bright, spotless. 4 Blameless. 5 Transparent. Le...an còrr |
fìor-ghloine sf ind Perfect purity or cleanness. 2 Spotlessness. 3 Blamelessness. 4 Brightness. 5 Transpar...an còrr |