Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
fa /fa/ roi. neo-ath.
under (used in adverbial expressions only, e.g. fa dheireadh at last) |
fa leth /fa Lʲeh/ co-ghn.
1 individually, one by one, respectively 2 separate(ly) |
fa chomhair /fa xõ.ɪrʲ/ roi. gin. (fa mo/do/a chomhair, fa comhair, fa ar/ur/an chomhair)
1 opposite to 2 before, in front of 3 regarding |
fa sgaoil co-ghn.
1 at large/liberty, on the loose 2 released 3 in a dispersed manner, loose |
thoir fa-near 1 note, realise, perceive, discern! 2 take into account! 3 consider! |
fa chomhair do shùilean under your eyes |
fa choinneamh /fa xɤNʲəv/ roi. gin. (fa mo/do/a choinneamh, fa coinneamh, fa ar/ur/an coinneamh)
1 facing, opposite 2 in readiness/preparation for |
fa dheireadh co-ghn.
thàinig e fa chomhair m' inntinn I realised |
fa-near /faˈNʲɛr/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 into/under consideration 2 under observation |
fa dheòidh /fa ʝɔːj/ co-ghn.
fa dheire 's fa dheòidh at long last |
feumaidh tu sin a thoirt fa-near you have to take that into account |
neach fa leth individual (person) |
thoir fa-near mar a tha cùisean realise how things stand! |
fa-leathachas fir. gin. -ais
1 individuality 2 apartness |
àite an duine fa leth san t-sòisealtas the individual's place in society |
tha mi a' toirt do ghearain fa-near I note your objection |
siostam le dà bhrèig-adhair fa leth dual air brake system |
fàth-fìth /faː fiː/ fir. neo-ath.
mist/cloak of invisibility (or the power to produce said mist) |
fa seach /fa ʃɛx/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 apart, distinctly 2 separately 3 individually |
thug mise fa-near na bha Calum a' dèanamh I understood what Calum was doing |
taigh-solais fa leth  a particular lighthouse |
thug na buill am pàipear fa-near the members noted the paper |
thoir fa-near dhan t-suidheachadh gu cùramach take careful note of the circumstances/situation! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
fa ** prep. On, upon, above. Fa làr, on the ground, omitted, neglected; fan aobhar ud, ...an còrr |
fà see fàth. |
fa † v. see bha. |
fa prep. see fo. Used in adverbial expressions. Aspirates an indefinite noun, as fa dheireadh, ...an còrr |
caillte past part of caill. Lost. 2 Ruined. 3 Damned. 4** Gelded. Caillte is fa dheòidh air sgeul, ...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
altair -air & altarach, n pl -raichean, & -raiche, sf Altar. Fa chomhair na h-altarac...an còrr |
fa chomhair adv Opposite to, or before him or it (m). 2 In anticipation of, in preparation for. 3 ...an còrr |
fa dheireadh adv At last, at length, at the end. |
cùis -e, -ean, sf Matter, affair, circumstance. 2 Cause, reason. 3 Subject. 4* The side one takes ...an còrr |
fa leth adv Individually, apart, one by one, separately. |
sgaoil pr pt a' sgaoileadh, va & n. Stretch out, extend. 2 Scatter, disperse, spread. 3 E...an còrr |
leth sm ind Half. 2 Side, share, interest, charge. 4 One of a pair. Leth mar leth, share and sh...an còrr |
réitich va & n. Reconcile, conciliate. 2 Agree upon, ratify. 3 Adjust, determine, regulate, set i...an còrr |
seach -a, -an, sm Turn, alternation. Fa seach, or mu seach, alternately; gach aon mu seach, ...an còrr |
seun va Defend by enchantment. 2 Avoid, shun. 3 Forbear, refrain. 4 Refuse, deny. 5 Cross, make th...an còrr |
fa chùl adv Backwards, behind. Fa an cùl, behind them. |
fa d' chomhair adv Opposite you (sing)., in front of you (sing).. |
fà-déistinn sf see fàth-déistinn. |
fa dhéigh adv see fa dheòigh. |
fa dheire adv see fa dheireadh. |
fa comhair adv Opposite or before her or it (f). |
fa dheòidh see fa dheòigh. |
fa dheòigh adv At last, finally, after all, at length. Fa dheòigh air sgeul, found at last. |