Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
fallas -ais, sm Sweat, perspiration. Tha mi 'nam làn fhallas, I am covered with perspiration; ...an còrr |
fleodradh -aidh, sm Floating. 2 Buoyancy. Tha mi fleodradh le fallas, I am in a bath of perspiration...an còrr |
sùgh va & n. Drain, dry, dry up, drink up. 2 Become dry, dry up. 3 Suck in, imbibe, swalow as ...an còrr |
allas † ‡‡ sm see fallas. |
lòchradh (CR) pr pt Soaking. Bha sinn a' lòchradh le fallas, we were soaking with perspiration ...an còrr |
nallas see fallas. |
fallas na clòimhe s Natural oil of wool. |