Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
fallas /faLəs/ Listen
fir. gin. -ais
sweat, perspiration
lòchair le fallas
break out in a sweat, soak with sweat!
tha fallas oirre
she is sweating
ann am fallas do ghnùise ithidh tu aran Listen
in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread
bha fallas fuar an eagail a' brùchdadh tro Mhàiri Listen
Màiri was breaking out in a cold sweat
fir. gin. -ais-fhaochaidh
feverish sweat
tha a fallas 'na bhraon air a gnùis /ha faLəs nə vrɯːn ɛrʲ ə grũːʃ/
her face was pouring with sweat
tha e 'na lòn le fallas
he is pouring with sweat
am fallas a' falbh far do ghnùise
the sweat dripping from your face
tha i 'na fallas
she is sweating/in a sweat
thàinig fallas fuar air
he broke out into a cold sweat
cuir fallas (dhìot)
sweat, perspire!
Ùrnaigh is Fallas Fala anns a' Ghàrradh
The Agony in the Garden
tha boinne-taige dheth le fallas
he is dripping with sweat
tha mi a' cur fallas air an fhallas dhìom /ha mi kur faLəs ɛrʲ əN aLəs ʝiəm/
I am sweating like a pig (fig.)
Toraidhean Dwelly
-ais, sm Sweat, perspiration. Tha mi 'nam làn fhallas, I am covered with perspiration; còrr
-aidh, sm Floating. 2 Buoyancy. Tha mi fleodradh le fallas, I am in a bath of còrr
va & n. Drain, dry, dry up, drink up. 2 Become dry, dry up. 3 Suck in, imbibe, swalow as còrr
† ‡‡ sm see fallas.
(CR) pr pt Soaking. Bha sinn a' lòchradh le fallas, we were soaking with perspiration còrr
see fallas.
fallas na clòimhe
s Natural oil of wool.