Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
feadh sm ind [Governs the gen]. Extent, length. 2 Fathom. 3 Whilst, during, through, through...an còrr |
air feadh adv Throughout. 2 Among. 3 During. [Governs the genitive case] |
oidhche -annan, -an & -achan, sf Night, evening. 2 Darkness. Beul na h-oidhche, the evening...an còrr |
saoghal -ail, -an, sm The world, a world. 2 Age, generation. 3 Life, lifetime. 4 Means, wealth, subst...an còrr |
seinn pr pt a' seinn, va & n. Sing, chant, carol. 2 Play on an instrument. 3 Ring...an còrr |
sgaoil pr pt a' sgaoileadh, va & n. Stretch out, extend. 2 Scatter, disperse, spread. 3 E...an còrr |
beò a Alive, living. 2 Quick, lively, sprightly. Am beò e? is he alive? tha e gu math beò,...an còrr |
blàr gen sing -àir, n pl -àir, -a, & -an, sm Plain, field. 2 Ground, floor. 3 Wh...an còrr |
sgiath -éith & -éithe, pl. -an, sf Wing, pinion. 2 Wing of a house or army. 3 Portion of ...an còrr |
cinneach -ich sm Nation. 2 Heathen. 3 Gentile. 4 Surname, cognomen. 5* Heathen nation. Air feadh nan c...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
deiseal -eala, a Towards the South, southward. 2 Having a southern exposure. 3‡‡ Lucky....an còrr |
srònag -aig, -an, sf dim of sròn. Small nose. 2 Small promontory. 3 Hillock. 4** Any prominent or pr...an còrr |
teud -a & -éid, pl. -an sm [f. in Badenoch] String, cord, rope. 2 String ...an còrr |
fraoch -aoich, sm Ling, heather — calluna vulgaris. Air feadh an fhraoich, among the heath...an còrr |
fuil gen sing fala, dat. fuil, voc. 'fhuil! sf Blood. 2 Family, tribe, kindre...an còrr |
gearan -ain, -an, sm Complaint, murmur, discontent, murmuring. 2 Supplication, remonstrance. 3 Appea...an còrr |
glac glaice, -an, sf Hollow valley, defile, narrow valley. 2 Hollow of the hand. 3 Bosom. 4 Embrac...an còrr |
gleann gen glinn & glinne, pl. glinn, gleanna, gleannan, gleanntaidh, glinnte ...an còrr |
machair sm -charach & -chrach, pl machraichean, sf Extensive low-lying fertile plai...an còrr |
mair pr pt a' maireann, a' mairsinn & a' maireachdainn, vn Live, exist. 2 Continue, las...an còrr |
monadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Mountain, moor, range. 2 Heath, heathy expanse, desert. 3 Tolerably level...an còrr |
arfud † see air feadh. |
am feadh adv While. |
ar feadh prep see feadh. |