Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
eagal /egəL/ fir. gin. -ail, iol. -an
1 fear, fright 2 timidity |
fear /fɛr/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. fir
1 man 2 a, one (of grammatically or biologically male entities) 3 piece (in boardgames) |
fear ann an earball (a' bhàta) a man in the stern (of the boat), sternsman |
fear an t-sìor-ghalair a constantly sick man, a man permanently ill |
Fear na Ceapaich MacDonald of Keppoch |
neach-feirme fir. iol. luchd-feirme
fear-tàileisg fir. gin. ⁊ iol. fir-thàilieisg
am fear a bhios 'na thàmh cuiridh e na cait san teine /əm fɛr ə vis nə haːv kurʲɪ ɛ nə kɛhdʲ səNʲ tʲenə/ the Devil makes work for idle hands (fig.) |
neach-riaghlaidh fir. iol. luchd-riaghlaidh
1 ruler 2 governor 3 ( pl.) government |
neach-bagraidh fir. iol. luchd-bagraidh
1 threatener, someone who threatens 2 rival |
neach-cluiche fir. iol. luchd-cluiche
1 player 2 actor 2 (with ban-) actress |
fear gorm fork lightning |
fo eagal afraid, in fear (of), afeared (of) |
cùb /kuːb/ gn. ag. -adh
1 crouch, stoop! 2 huddle in fear! 3 confine! 4 tighten the wooden boss! (in the eye of a bedstone) |
Na Fir-chlis gin. nam Fear-clis
the Northern Lights, aurora borealis |
neach-aithris fir. iol. luchd-aithris
1 commentator, narrator 2 reciter |
am fear nach cuir san latha fhuar, cha bhuain e san latha teth no pain no gain (fig.) |
neach-turais fir. iol. luchd-turais
1 traveller2 tourist 3 passenger |
neach-tagraidh fir. iol. luchd-tagraidh
1 counsel 2 applicant, candidate |
trì rudan a thig gun iarraidh, an t-eagal, an t-eudach is an gaol three things that come unbidden - love, envy and fear |
's miosa an t-eagal na an cogadh /s misə əNʲ tʲegəL nə əŋ kogəɣ/ 1 things get easier/it's much easier once you get started (fig.) 2 fear of a thing is worse than the thing itself (fig.) |
neach-cruthachaidh fir. iol. luchd-cruthachaidh
dh'amais i air fear onarach she found/came across an honest man |
neach-faire /Nʲɛxˈfarʲə/ fir. iol. luchd-faire
1 lookout, watchman 2 cockerel (as fear-faire, poetic name for cockerel) 3 with ban- midwife |
oillt-fhala /ɤiLʲdʲ aLə/ boir. gin. -e-fala
haemophobia, fear of blood |
Toraidhean Dwelly
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
feàr † a see feàrr. |
fear * va Follow, as a chief. 2 Claim kindred with. A dh'aindeoin có a dh'fhearas ort, in defia...an còrr |
fèar sm see feur. |
àbhacas -ais, sm Diversion, sport, merriment, 2 Ridicule. 3** Boisterous day. Ball àbhacais, a lau...an còrr |
feum va & n. Be in want of, be in need of, must, needs must. Feumaidh mi falbh, I must go; ...an còrr |
toigh comp -e & docha, a Agreeable, pleasant. 2 Dear, loved. Is toigh leam, I like; I...an còrr |
fiamh -a, sm Fear, awe, reverence, trepidation. 2 Hue, colour, aspect, tinge. 3 Chain. 4 Trace. 5 T...an còrr |
tuar -air, -an, sm Colour, hue, appearance, countenance, complexion. 2 Hardship. 3 Food. 4 Cast. 5...an còrr |
tuig pr pt a' tuigsinn, va & n Understand, perceive, discern, comprehend. Thuig e do ch...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
aiseag -eig, -an, sm Ferry. 2** Deliverance. 3** Return. 4** Vomit. Fear aiseig, a ferryman; ...an còrr |
tùr -ùir, sm Sense, understanding, intelligence, penetration, sagacity, genius. 2 Intention, incl...an còrr |
am def art (nom sing masc) The. [Used before words beginning with B, F, M or P]. A...an còrr |
àm ama, amannan, sm Time in general, past or present. 2 Season. 3 Convenience. 'S e seo an t-àm,...an còrr |
fichead -chid, a Twenty. [Followed by a noun in gen pl]. Fichead fear, twenty men;...an còrr |
tùs -ùis, sm Beginning, the beginning, commencement, origin. 2 Front, van, as of an army. Eilidh,...an còrr |
ana-miann -nnan, sm Sensuality, lust. Fear ana-miann, sensualist; ana-miannan na feòla, the l...an còrr |
bàrr (for barrachd) sf Superiority, pre-eminence. 'S iomadh fear a bhàrr orm, many a one beside...an còrr |
boireannach sm Female. This is an indefinite term corresponding to fear, but restricted to adults....an còrr |
seall pr pt a' sealltainn, va See, look, behold. 2(CR) Show —W. of Ross. Seall...an còrr |
aois-dàna ** s pl Bards, poets. 2 Rehearsers of ancient poetry. 3 Genealogists. 4 Soothsayers. The aois...an còrr |
àrachas -ais, sm Insurance. 2 Mansion, dwelling. Fear àrachais, an insurer; bùth àrachais, ...an còrr |
àrd àirde, n pl -a, a High, lofty, 2 Mighty, great, noble, eminent, excellent, supreme. 3 ...an còrr |
fleasgach -aich, -aichean, sm Young man. 2 Handsome youth. 3 Bachelor. 4 Best man at a wedding. 5** ...an còrr |