Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
feith /feh/ gn. ag. -eamh
fèith /fɛː/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 muscle 2 sinew 3 vein 4 stagnant channel in a bog (often overgrown with moss and dry in summer) |
fèith /fɛː/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
honeysuckle (genus lonicera) |
fèith-dhìreach boir. gin. -e-dìriche, iol. -ean-dìreach
Allt Fèith Àrdair ainm-àite
sgeitheadh-fèithe fir. gin. -thidh-fhèithe, iol. -thidhean-fèithe
1 (act of) rupturing of a muscle or blood vessel 2 rupture of a muscle or blood vessel, varicose vein |
fèith a' chléibh intercostal muscle |
fèith-mhothachaidh boir. gin. -e-mothachaidh, iol. -ean-mothachaidh
fèith-chrùbadh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
fèith-lùthaidh boir. gin. -e-lùthaidh, iol. -ean-lùthaidh
drochaid air fèith turf stepping stones (to facilitate the crossing of a stagnant channel) |
tuit ann am fèith fall into a stagnant channel! |
fèath /fia/  fir. iol. -an
1 calm (Beaufort 0 in metereology) 2 tranquillity (of weather) |
fe-tibheach /feˈtʲi.əx/ boir. gin. -bhich, iol. -bhichean
1 gullet, oesophagus 2 drainage ditch |
fèith thrì-cheannach triceps |
fèith bhorrtha varicose vein |
fèith-iadhta boir. iol. -ean-iadhta
ainteas fèith a' chridhe myocarditis |
fèith mhór cùl na coise Achilles tendon |
fèith-fhala boir. gin. -e-fala, iol. -ean-fala
fèith-ghàire /fɛː ɣaːrʲə/ boir. neo-ath.
seisg fhèith-ghorm boir.
green-ribbed sedge (carex binervis) |
feith ri cothrom await an opportunity, wait for an opportunity! |
gille teud na fèith-eòlaiche string tuned to (middle) E (on an early Irish harp) |
teud na fèith-eòlaiche string tuned to (middle) D (on an early Irish harp) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
feith pr pt a' feitheamh, va & n. Wait, remain, stay, attend. Feith requires the prep. ...an còrr |
fèith -e, -ean, sf Sinew. 2 Vein. 3 pl. (fèithichean — DMy) Rents in moor- or bog-land made ...an còrr |
féith sf see fèath. |
feith § sf Honeysuckle, see uilleann. 2(AH) Relief, alleviation, easement. Feith roimhn bhàs, ...an còrr |
feith s Mizzy. |
fèith -e, -eachan, [gen sing fèithe, pl. fèithichean — Gairloch]. sf Bog, quag...an còrr |
deireadh -ridh, -ridhean, sm End, conclusion. 2 The end, rear, hindmost part of anything. 3 Stern of a...an còrr |
fèath -a, -an, sm [f. in Argyll and some other parts]. Calm, tranquillity. 2 Learning...an còrr |
feitheamh -himh, sm Waiting, attending. 2 Expecting. 3 Attendance. 4** Delay, lingering. A' feitheamh, ...an còrr |
each eich, n pl eich, dat. pl. eachaibh, sm Horse, 2* Brute. Parts of a Horse...an còrr |
crùbadh-fèith -aidh-fhèith, -aidhean-fèith, sm Spasm. |
fè sf ind see fèath. 2 see feith. 3** Quagmire. 4** Park. 5** Fold. 6** rarely Measuring-...an còrr |
fèich † -e, -ean, sf Sinew, see fèith. |
feigh † ** sf see feith. 2 a Bloody, sharp. |
fèith-chrùbadh -aidh, sm Spasm, convulsion. |
fèitheachan n pl of fèith (bog). |
fèith-ghàire sf see fiamh-ghàire. |
fèith-lianan sf see lìonan-fèitheach. |
fèith-lùthaidh ** sf Sinew. 2 Hamstring. |
feubh v. prov. for feith. |
sgeitheadh-fèithe sm Rupture of a blood vessel. 2†† Varicose vein, [also sgeith-fèith]. |
fèith-dhìreach (DMK) sf The oesophagus. |
fèith na fola (DMK) s The carotid artery, which butchers open when bleeding an animal. |
fèith na h-iosgaid s Hamstring of a horse. |