Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
fiar /fiər/  bua. coi. -a
1 bent, crooked 2 squint, wry, oblique 3 perverse |
fiar /fiər/  gn. ag. -adh
1 slant! 2 distort, skew (also in science)! 3 bend! 4 twist! 5 shear! (also in science) 6 meander, wind! 7 vary! (also in music) |
feur /fiər ~ fjɔːrʲ/  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. feòir
1 grass (poaceae/gramineae family) 2 hay |
fiar an fhìrinn pervert/twist the truth! |
fiar-chuimhne boir. neo-ath.
partial/sketchy memory, fragmentary recollection |
fiar-shùil /fiərul/ boir. gin. -shùla, iol. -ean
fiar-shùileach /fiəruləx/ bua. coi. -liche
fiar-óthaisg boir. iol. -ean
year-old ewe (i.e. sheep which has lambed before reaching the age of 1) |
fiar-shùilich boir. neo-ath.
tha fiar-shùilich innte she has a squint |
fiar-sgoradh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
forward slash ( / in typography) |
fiar an t-slighe deviate! |
uisge fiar slanting rain |
fiar-shanas fir. gin. -ais
feur slàn whole soum (i.e. a full set of livestock equal to the souming of a crofter) |
sruth fiar cross-current |
Toraidhean Dwelly
fiar -a, a Crooked, curved, bent, not straight. 2 Perverse. 3 Wicked, unjust. 5 Oblique. 5 ...an còrr |
fiar pr pt a' fiaradh, va & n. Bend, twist, make crooked. 2 Pervert. 3 Go astray or asi...an còrr |
fiar a & s see iar. |
fiar sm see feur. |
fiar ** adv Aside. |
caora sf irreg. Sheep. 2 (in derision) Sheepish person. Declined thus: — ...an còrr |
fiaradh -aidh, sm Inclination, slanting, going off from the straight line. 2 Bending. 3** Twisting. 4...an còrr |
tog pr pt a' togail, va Lift, raise, rear 2 Build. 3 Brew, distil. 4 Carry. 5 Take away. 6...an còrr |
each eich, n pl eich, dat. pl. eachaibh, sm Horse, 2* Brute. Parts of a Horse...an còrr |
fiaraich va see fiar. |
fiar-char sm Crank. |
fiar-ogha sm Given by ** for iar-ogha. |
fiar-óthaisg sf Year old ewe. |
fiar-rabhadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Innuendo. |
fiar-shùil -ùla, -shùilean, sf Squint-eye. |
fiar-shùileach -iche, a Squint-eyed, looking askance. |
fiar-shùiliche sf Squinting in the eyes. |
ceallach (DC) sm Flue of a kiln. Ceallach fada fiar 's a bheul san àirde deas, a long bent flue wit...an còrr |